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"miwa, have you done with your assignment?" a girl asked her, which is her seatmate.

"nope, just a little bit more," miwa responded to her before packing her things.

their classes for the day had ended positively, which she felt grateful for. miwa entered college and it’s been five months, slowly she was improving especially in biology since she wanted to be a doctor so bad.

once she exited the classroom along with aeri, her seatmate, she saw mashiho waving at her with a huge grin. she smiled, walking towards her boyfriend with aeri tailing behind her.

since they have started dating, mashiho was the happiest guy in the world. as slowly they get to know each other and find comfort in each other, he couldn't be more happier.

as for miwa, she felt, even more, brighter than the sun.

"hey, how was your class?" he asked as he swung his arm over her shoulder.

"normal, nothing interesting to be honest," she chuckled, patting his shoulder a few times. "how was yours?"

"mine was pretty embarrassing. i was in the same group with jaehyuk and asahi but we couldn't finish our project," mashiho sighed, letting go of his arm from her then rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "well i mean, i know it’s our fault for not completing it on time."

miwa pressed her lips, and this time it was her turn to swing her arm around his shoulders as she pulled him towards her. "don't worry about it, people did mistakes you just have to learn from it," she reassured, giving a peck on his cheek.

aeri, who was still tailing behind them made a disgusted face jokingly. "i’m still here, you know?" she asked sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest with pouted lips.

miwa turned around, ruffling her hair. "sorry, wanna join us eat somewhere? like restaurants if you have anything in mind?"

aeri's eyes lit up in excitement, she hasn't eaten at a restaurant with her friends for such a long time. "yes! how about that one restaurant we used to eat there? with delicious tteokbokki," she offered which miwa and mashiho agreed instantly.

the three walked their way towards the restaurant which wasn't far enough, it took seven minutes to reach there. when they have reached the place, mashiho saw someone familiar standing in front of the restaurant, playing with their phone.

mashiho noticed the outfit they were wearing, leather jacket and tight jeans. "jihoon? what are you doing here?"

as soon as that question was out, miwa whipped her head towards the direction where mashiho was looking at then gleamed in excitement once she saw her favourite cousin.

jihoon who was busy with his phone earlier, instantly looked over at mashiho and miwa who were smiling and waving at him. he grinned then jogged towards them. "hey mashi," he hugged him with a pat.

"miwa, i missed you so much!" he ruffled her hair resulting her hair to look messy which mashiho found it cute. "you became even taller than i expected!" he laughed.

they haven't met each other for almost a year because jihoon had to join his family travelling to another country since his father was promoted to work there.

"is that a compliment? i think yes," miwa chuckled before smacking his arm. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US THAT YOU'RE BACK?" she frowned, finally hugging her cousin tightly.

"i'm sorry, okay?" he patted her back before his eyes landed on a girl he didn't know.

aeri was standing behind them awkwardly, she was starving but decided to let them enjoy their moment first.

miwa let go of him and noticed he was staring at aeri. she grabbed aeri's arm before introducing her friend. "this is aeri, my best friend. and this is my cousin, jihoon," she introduced with a smile.

both aeri and jihoon just smiled awkwardly which made her chuckle silently. mashiho and miwa decided to bring jihoon as well, so that they could have a conversation about how they have been doing.

instead of them talking with jihoon, mashiho and miwa didn't realise that they have been talking with each other and probably forgot jihoon and aeri's presence.

aeri always getting used to being the third wheel, but since jihoon also seemed bored, she decided to start a conversation with him to cure their boredom. "so, you're bored?" she asked, boldly while playing with her food.

jihoon was taken aback with her question, they literally just met and he never expected her to talk with him first. "yeah, definitely those two are enjoying their time together," he said, gazing at mashiho and miwa.

the extroverted girl chuckled. "i can tell. anyways, let me guess your zodiac sign," she smirked, which he found it amusing.

"sure, you never guess it anyway," he smirked whilst crossing his arms over his chest.

"you're a ... " she scanned him before saying it. "pisces!" she said confidently.

jihoon's eyes widened, shocked that aeri guessed his zodiac sign in just a try. "how .. but you're correct though. damn you're creepy," he furrowed his eyebrows with a smile.

"i know, i'm cool. i have my ways," she praised herself as she flipped her hair like barbie. "your turn!"

"hmm capricorn?"



"definitely no."


"ddaeng, you're wrong."

"taurus? sagittarius? libra?"

"what? no of course, nope!"

"what planet are you even in?" jihoon bit his lower lip, trying to guess. "aries? leo? virgo?" he kept asking as aeri gave him a judgemental look.

"ermm— maybe scorpio or aquarius?"

aeri got silent, shaking her head. "bro, i'm a pisces.. geez you suck at this," she laughed, catching miwa and mashiho's attention.

miwa smiled, she noticed aeri and jihoon started to get along well. "well, that work," she giggled, happy to see them.

mashiho turned to her with raised eyebrows as he was confused with what she just said. "what work?" he asked curiously.



a/n's note :

surprise aha. just an epilogue here for jihoon! i literally forgot to announce that i've already prepared an epilogue sorry T__T

edit : i've been writing a doyoung ff so if you want updates about it just follow me 👀 tysm <33

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