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"Last year's champion Raimon is playing this year's Football Frontier with all new members on their team except for [L/N]! Tonegawa Tousen, one other hand, has Endou Mamoru who led the previous Raimon to victory. With 5th is match up, this most anticipated semifinals game of youth soccer is about to begin! However, Raimon's coach Zhao Jinyun is absent from this important match due to a family emergency. Their trainer Kameda will be leading them today." The commentator said

The match is about to start suddenly I feel like someone tapped my shoulder, I turn around and see Endou.

" How's your foot?" Endou asked

I looked at my left foot and started tapping it.

"Fine?" I said

Endou sweat drop and tilted his head a little.

"I hope its doing well..." Endou said

"Thanks, Good luck to us!" I said

Yeah, let's do our best!" Endou said to me and smile

The match started the one who's not playing is Han chan so I'm playing as a midfielder.

I'm dribbling the ball.

" [F/N]! pass it to me!" Goujin said to me

"Here!" I said and pass the ball to Goujin

Goujin try to shoot the ball to the goal but basically Endou stop it.

Kozoumaru stole the ball to Goujin and used his hissatsu technique
"Fire tornado" and kick the ball to the goal but obviously Endou block it easily.

A smile formed on my lips after I see Endou blocks Kozoumaru's Fire tornado with just a kick.

The game started again Tonegawa Tousen's defender Sakanoue was now dribbling the ball in our field.
( Am I the only one?? Cause Sakanoue literally giving me Toramaru vibes for no reason HAHHAH)

"Isn't he a defender?" Hiura asked

"No, he's a libero just like Mansaku." I said to Hiura

"What?!" Hiura replied

Sakanoue getting close to the goal.

"Keep your guards up!" Hiura said

"He's a striker pretending to be a defender?" I said

Sakanoue get through to Golem easily and kicked the ball to the goal but Norika blocked it successfully.

"I won't let you score that easily!" Norika said

Hiura and Mansaku approach Golem

"Hey Golem! Stop staring off into space! You didn't even buy us time!  Mansaku said to Golem

"Is that what you think? Golem wasn't the only one he got past." Hiyori said

"What?! Are you trying to say it's my fault?" Mansaku said

Me and others approached Mansaku, Hiura, Golem, and Hiyori.

"They're much stronger than I expected." Hiro said to Hiura

"This is not the time to be commenting them!" Hiura said to Hiro

"Oii Oii Everyone! We have no time to argue so let's all go back to our positions." I said

The game started again Hiura got the ball he used his hissatsu technique "Ice arrow" to shoot the ball to the goal.

"A shoot using Ice arrow?!" Hiyori said surprise

Endou used his hissatsu technique "Majin the hand" to blocks Hiura shoot and he successfully did it.

"What are you doing?! Pass the ball to me you go pulling off a worthless technique!" Kozoumaru yelled at Hiura with irritated tone

Hiura just ignore Kozoumaru

The game started again Sakanoue have the ball he dribble it and pass it to his one teammate with long green hair.

The boy with long green hair and the boy with gray hair do their combo hissatsu technique call "Heaven's Dragon" Norika try to block the shoot with her hissatsu technique "Uzumaki the hand" but she failed that's why the score now is 0-1 tonegawa Tousen's on the lead.

"Incredible! Tonegawa Tousen wins the first goal!" The commentator said

Then after that we heard a whistle meaning the first half just ended.

While I'm sitting on the bench I saw Michinari talking to Endou about something.

Second half started all of us go back to our positions suddenly Michinari spoke up to us.

"Everyone, listen up!" Michinari shout that's why all of our attention went into him

"The opponent's teamwork and their approach to the match are near impeccable..." Michinari said

|Mini time skip|
(I'm too lazy to write that scene HAHHA cause it's kinda long)

"I've seen you, Goujin." Michinari said to Goujin

"Huh?" Goujin said confused

"You trained all on your one by pulling tires late into night. Hiura would keep up dribbling for hours and hours. Mansaku wouldn't stop running until he fell over from exhaustion." Michinari said


"All right, everyone! We're up against the strongest opponent there is, Endou Mamoru! Let's enjoy soccer to its fullest!" Michinari said

"Okay!" All of us said

The game started I have the ball, I passed the ball to Kouzoumaru, Kouzoumaru used his hissatsu technique "fire tornado" and Endou also used his hissatsu technique "Majin the hand". Before the ball get close to Endou, Goujin kick it one more time but Endou still block the shoot.

"They got through Majin The Hand's defense range!" Asuto said

"Incredible! He blocks Raimon's fierce offense once more! Can Raimon do nothing against the invincible goalkeeper, Endou Mamoru?!" The commentator said

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