✎....A New Life ☄. *. ⋆

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Author's POV:

Y/N was an exchange student who was born in Korea but shifted to Los Angeles at the age of three. Her grandparents Lived in Korea and she would barely talk to them as she wasn't that good at Korean. She was happily living in the states But suddenly her father received a letter from his company stating his transfer back to Korea, she was really excited to go back as she didn't have many memories of herself in Korea and wanted to experience how was is like to live in Korea as a teenager but she was also nervous as she couldn't speak Korean that well and she knew it was gonna be hard for her to mix in as she spent most of her childhood in the states. 

Her family arrived at Incheon International Airport and took a taxi to her grandparents' house. as soon as they reached her grandparents' place, Y/N and her brother Eric bowed and hugged their grandparents, Y/N could understand everything they said but when it came to replying her Korean grammar would be messed up but she could speak basic korean

Y/N's POV:

I felt my cheeks about to explode. They were RED. I was so so so embarrassed i couldn't speak to my grandparents properly... would I ever be able to fit in? Ughhh i tried to forget everything and closed my eyes as i collapsed onto my bed. BUT the moment I closed my eyes I was met with all of the flashbacks...... I- I should be ashamed of myself....and as I was about to shed a tear i heard a knock on the door of my room. 

Y/N : 'hey Eric what are you doing here at this hour?'

Eric: 'hey um so I just wasn't being able to fall asleep...like the moment i shut my eyes close i just get a shiver down my spine and wake up..' 

Was he dealing with the same thing?

Y/N: 'oh well is it maybe cause of what happened earlier today? I mean it was quite embarrassing so yeah-.'

Eric: 'HOW'D YOU GUESS THAT?!?!!?!!'

Y/N: 'maybe cause I'm your sister and it was all cause of ME.' 

Eric moved out from Korea when he was in  middle school and so he knew quite all the basics of the language and etiquettes there but me- I WAS A TOTAL DUMBFOUNDED IDIOT- ughhhh i embarrassed not only me but him as well. How pathetic of me.

Eric: 'NONONO- IT WASN'T CAUSE OF YOUU- it was cause of me as well i always teased you about how bad your Korean was but instead I should have helped..Im sorry Y/N..'

Damn. He was apologizing to ME?!?!? that's not one of his characteristics. I guess he really got embarrassed earlier- 

Y/N: 'Yo it's alr i never tried so maybe I'm the one to blame anyways soo'

Eric: 'so what??'


*I let out my 1st laugh of the day*

Eric: ' oh c'mon don't be like that its really annoying ughhh bye GN ig-'

Y/N: 'nighty night fellow brother and like you sure you don't need mom?' 

*I said as I let out a smirk* 

He's face was red lmaooo- he hated being teased, especially by me- but that didn't stop me from doing so xD. I closed the door as he left with an expression of annoyance and boi was I satisfied? HELL YEAH. I went back to my bed, plugged in my headphones and started listening to my favourite songs...and before i knew I fell asleep. It always worked lmao.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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