*Meeting My New Family*

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I was laying in bed and as I woke up I was consumed be warmth.
I moved around to get comfortable and felt something softy brush against my hand, I quietly sat up to see what it was and realized it was just an old stuffed rabbit. I studied the small stuffed animal closer and saw it had one ear missing and a pale pink dress.
"Huh this isn't mine."I say as I look around.
"Huh what...I-is this place w-where am I."I say rapidly looking around the room. Knock knock knock I heard at the door at that moment my heart sank.
"Oh god, oh god, oh god!."I shout in my head.
"Ello are you awake?." I heard someone say at the other end of the door.Click. I heard the door open.
and then saw a woman with pretty blond hair with the right side in her face and the other side braided away walk in in a black dress that went to her knees and boots that went a little under her knees, and were black and at the top was (A little bit of blue on the top.) A thick dark blue line. (They look like Miku's boots.)
(Sorry I realy want you to know what these characters look like and they have really long description so sorry.)
"Y-y-you're the girl I saw."I shuddered out terrified out of my mind.
"Yes I am and you don't have to be scared of me child I won't hurt you." She said soothingly and kindly smiled at me reassuringly as she sits down puting her hands on her thighs.
I sigh a sigh of relief and my heartbeat slows down.
"W-why am I here were are my parents...?"I ask waiting for an answer. silence filled the room as I saw the blonde girl frown and then open her mouth as if to say something but quickly shut it.
She sadly looked down and said "I'm sorry.".
"W-why are you sorry, were are my parents!."I ask louder this time.
She just keept looking down not saying anything.
"They left..."She said not looking up once.
"Who left."I say confused.
"Thoughs things you called parents...I'm so sorry."She said her voice cracking at the end.
"Oh........"was all I could muster as a gave a weak laugh as tears run freely down my face. The woman that saved me finally looked up reveling the tears that fell down her face even still.
She walked over and pulled me to her chest as I let out all of my tears.
"Sssshhhhhh it will be okay we're your family now."The woman said rubbing my head.
"Who's we?"I said sniffling.
The lady's eye's widened "Oh that's right, you still haven't met everyone." She grabed my hand and dragged me (Not hard.) down a hall.
*~*-~-To Be The Continued(Yes I said it like Starfire deal with it.)-~-*~*

Original First Chapter. (Don't read is really Really Really really REALLY! Bad.)

and as I moved around to get comfortable in the bed and I felt a teddy bear somewhere under the bed sheets. I pull it up to my face and see it had a black bow in its fur it had a skull pin in its ear kind of like a earing it was so cute and soft. I lay back down to try to go back to sleep but was interrupted by loud music comeing from somewhere in the house
Huh Mom and Dad never play music this loudly. I said questionably . I looked around the room and realized it wasn't mine. I shot up with wide eyes and walked over to the door and with a shaky hand I slowly opened the door and looked down both sides of the hallway and saw no-one I quietly closed the door and walked out of the hallway and into some thing that seemed like a kitchen and smelled a pizza. I listened closely to the music and recognize it as Sleeping With Sirens and I felt so happy "finally something good is happening to me for once". I whispered to myself. I look around the kitchen and saw a window which if you pull the string you can see this other room I assume is the living room. I look through it and saw the people that I saw before I blacked out. I looked at the to girls they were dancing it was so cute and as I was looking at them dancing I heard a timer go of. I jumped back startled and took my hands of the string which slammed it shut ran to hide and finally I hid behind a shelf and just in time I heard footsteps and some one walk in and she was blonde but she wasn't the girl I saw when I blacked out. I examined her closely and saw that she was wearing yellow flats and a beautiful yellow sort sleeve dress with a bib saying "Lets Eat" it reminds me of old chica from Freddy pizza I miss the pizzeria. But she put a oven mitt on and smiled widely as she pulled out the pizza. I smelled the pizza and as she walked out my tummy growled.
"Oh yeah I haven't eaten today". I said and frowned how bad my tummy hurt. I groaned in pain and rubbed my tummy.
"I wish I could have some pizza". I said sadly and went over to the window and pulled the string again and saw there were more people now I looked around the room and saw a faceless man in a black suit I yelped and fell back and realized it was Slenderman tears fell down my face as I let go of string I fell to the ground crying and trembling. As I was crying I head foot steps coming closer and closer and closer. I trembled of the thought of being brutally killed by the Slenderman I cried ever harder if that was even possible at this point but as the door open I saw the girl I saw before I black out it was the blonde one. As I looked at her in fear she ran over to me.
"P-p-pleas-se don't h-hurt me". I said fearfully though my tears.
"Hun I won't hurt you we are actually the ones who saved you". Said the blonde girl.
"Come on you must be hungry after all that time you slept oh yeah I'm Ib {I don't know if I should use the name BB or Ib so just tell me in the comments please for now I'll use the name Ib} what's yours". Ib said looking down at me.
"My n-name is-s G-ghost". I said looking up at her.
"I love you're name it's so unique". She said smiling brightly at me. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the living room.
I saw Slenderman again and yelped and hid behind Ib.
"Ahh hun he won't hurt you he's nice ok". She said kneeling down so we were face to face. I nodded and looked behind Ib and saw Slenderman. He walked up to me and said
"There there child I won't hurt you I actually help save you". Slenderman said looking down at me.
"Wait what did you save me from". I asked confused.
"From the berries you're parents gave you they were Poisonous". He said sadly.
I hugged his legs tightly and said
"Thank you so much". I said blinking out tears.
"You're welcome child but it wasn't all me Ib Masky Hoddie and Mangle and lots of other people helped to". He said kneeling down and hugged me back.
"Wait who are they". I asked looking around and saw there were lots of other people all around me.
"I can introduce you to all of them if you want". Ib said smiling.
I nodded and Ib grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the people and I pulled my hood over my head I do that allot when I'm nervous and around New people.
"These to are Masky and Hoddie ". Pointing towards the masked men I saw be for I blackout they were holding hand I mentally Ahhhed.
"I actually ship them don't you think they would be so cute together". Ib whispered in my ear
I nodded and giggled
"This is Mangle". Ib said pointing at the pink haired girl I saw be for I blacked out.
"Isn't she pretty". She said with a big smile
I nodded and looked at her she really was beautiful .
"This is the puppet but please call her song". She said
I looked at her she had beautiful long strait black hair that went to her mid back and a long black dress with white buttons and long sleeves with black and white stripes with black flats with a white bow on them she beautiful eyes one was icey blue and the other black she was so beautiful.
"She's Chica". Ib said .
I looked at her she was the girl who got the pizza when I was hiding she had beautiful hair it went to her shoulders and it had a pink icecream pin in it .
"He's Freddy". Ib said .
He had dark brown hair that suited him perfectly and a black top hat and a white shirt with a brown jacket and black bowtie and black pants and black shiny shoes and beautiful brown eyes.
"He's Bonnie". She said .
He had purple hair black pants a white long sleeve shirt with black suspenders and black shoes.
"He's balloon Boy". Ib said.
He had brown hair and a hat with a little air plane propeller looking thing and a red and blue striped long sleeve shirt and black pants holding a balloon and a sigh that said "BALLOONS" .
"He's Foxy" Ib said pointing to him.
He has messy red hair that really suited him and beautiful yellow eyes well the one I can see the left eye is covered by a eye patch and elf ears and one small hoop earing and dark drown pants and no shirt or pants and a TAIL yeah he has a tail and a hook.
"Are you guys cosplaying?". I asked
"No". They all say at the same time and I giggle
"Well you guys remind me of Freddy fazbear pizza". I said with a frown and looking down and blinked out a tear.
"Hun what's wrong". Ib said worryingly.
"I miss Freddy and the crew". I said sadly.
"Maty don't be so sad if you are sad ye be sad to". Foxy said.
"You sound like F-Foxy". I said staring up at Foxy.
"Guys can you come with me I have something to tell you guys". Ib said.
"Oh yeah Slendy Masky and Hoddie can you stay with Ghost please please". Ib asked with puppy dog eyes.
They all nod and the crew walk away with Ib expect Masky Slendy and Hoddie.
*Ib {I know New p.o.v}*
"Every body get in here". I say as I run in.
"Guys you have to turn into true mode please please please please". I say pleading.
"No he'll be scared of us". Bonnie said bluntly.
"Bonnie please he loves Freddys pizza please he loves you guy". I say pleading.
"Please I'll do anything". I say pleading once more.
"Fine". Bonnie said.
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so much". I say happily and hugged him as tight as I can.
"Can't breathe". Bonnie said with a chuckle.
"Sorry I'm just really really happy". I say.
"So are you guys going to do it". I ask.
They all look at each other and nod.
"Well come on then". I say happily.
They all took hold of each other's hand and say "true" and there was a huge bright light flash I cover my eyes and through my hands I saw the bright light diaper. I uncover my eyes and saw the all in there true form.
"Come on guys we have to show him". I say rushed.
"I hope he likes his surprise". I whisper to myself.
"I wonder what there talking about and why I can't be in there". I say wondering what there talking about but my thoughts were cut of when I heard a door slam open.
I jump and hugged onto Hoddie because he was the closest person near me.
"W-what-t was t-that". I say hugging onto Hoddie.
"It's just Ib nothing to worry about it Ghostie". Masky said rufuling my hair.
"Good wait did you call me Ghostie". I say looking up at him.
"Yep". Masky said picking me up and putting me on his shoulders.
I giggle at him doing so.
"Wait Masky go over to Slendy I want to see how tall I am now compared to him". I say happily.
"Ok Ghostie". Masky said and walked over to him.
"All I can see is half his body". I say and giggle.
"GHOST COME HERE". I heard Ib yell I got startled and all most fell on the ground but luckily Masky caught me be for I hit the ground.
"Oh sorry Ghost didn't mean startle you be this is really important". Ib said rushed.
"What is it". I ask confused.
"Oh you'll see". Ib says smiling happily.
"K". I say.
"Guys come on". Ib shouts.
I looked down the hallway were the door that they went in was and I saw them all walk out but they were the fazbear crew!
I scream and run towards Bonnie and hug him as tight as i can.
"I missed you so much". I say crying.
"W-what you're not scared of me". Bonnie says shocked.
"No you're my favorite how could I be scared of you". I say loudly.
{Bonnie will be the least favorite in this story poor Bonnie:'-( }
Bonnie hugged me so tight well with the on arm {again poor Bonnie.}
"Hey Ghost we're actually going to fix them up and get them New parts and stuff". Ib says happily.
"When are you guys going to fix them". I ask.
"Right now". Ib says with a giggle.
"CAN I HELP". I say really loudly.
"I don't know I think someone else wants to help". Ib say playfully .
"Ahhh come on please". I say with puppy dog eyes.
"Well ok are you good with a screwdriver". Ib says.
I nod and walk over to Bonnie and look up at him.
"You're going to be bran New". I say with a bright toothy smile.
*Time Skip To When There Done*
I yawn and stretch and look at all of them.
"You guys look so good". Ib says looking at all of them.
"Wow you guys do good work". Freddy says admiring our work.
"Well thank you". Ib says giggling.
"Oh yeah Ghost you must be tried because of all work". Ib says with a yawn.
I nod and yawn
"Hey Ib me and Hoddie can tuck him in". Masky offers.
"Thank you oh yeah Ghost the teddy bear on the bed is yours". Ib says.
"Thank you". I say with a yawn.
"Ghost before you go to sleep can I ask you something". Ib asks and I nod.
"Well I was wondering if we could be you're family". Ib says hopefully.
"Of course!". I say really really loudly and hug Ib tightly and Ib giggles and hugs back.
"Night Ghost". Ib says.
"Goodnight". I say happily and tieredly.
And Masky and Hoddie tuck me in and they both lift up their masks to show their lips and kiss my forehead and say "Goodnight Ghostie"
I have such a great family

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