Guess Which Evil Dictating Government Is Back!

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"I love you so much." I told her in a low voice. She smiled sweetly at me "I love-" she started, but was cut off by the all too familiar sound of a F.E.A.R. transmission.


Nat's P.O.V.

"Did we not warn you insufferable rebels that the glorious reign of F.E.A.R. would not be permanently extinguished? This harmony that you find in our absence must come to an end with the cry of your so called army as it is sentenced to its death. When this refute has come to an end, F.E.A.R. will rule supreme, as it should and as it will forevermore..."

the cold, dark voice of F.E.A.R. has been stuck in my mind since that day when it returned with the threat of war. Now, I am in the training room again, like nothing ever changed and I never even left. Me and Andy have been pretty much inseparable since I got back, and he and Beck have had an uneasy tension with each other.

Why do brothers always have to be so overprotective? The first time they met he just stared at him like he was a piece of garbage. Then once we left the living quarters he basically interrogated him. He barely ever lets us be alone together because he says he doesn't trust him, but refuses to tell me why.

Him and Sage have had an okay time settling in to the base. I got to show them around and since he was a commanding officer at the unit, he volunteered to share border patrol duties with the leaders. I'm glad to see my brother feeling so comfortable with my home.

Cole got to show Bird around, and she was ecstatic about everything. She's also a pretty decent fighter, and currently ranked #27 in physical strength, which is pretty impressive considering she got here literally two days ago. Me and her have gotten really close, and her and Andy get along nicely. which is great, because I already have a brother vs. bf thing going on, and the last thing I need is trouble with him and my best friend.

To add to that, Ashley has been kind of reclusive since I got back, and CC told me he had been like that since Ro left, and I think he was really disappointed when she didn't come back with me, Bird, Cole, Beck, and Sage. Poor guy, he must really care about her.

For the most part, I think he's just worried about how she's doing at the unit. I keep telling him she's perfectly fine and happy, but that doesn't change anything about his mood. I really feel bad for him. Especially since I've been through that, and know how he feels.

But I can't think about any of that right now. Now my main focus is on winning this war. Me and a few other soldiers complete another lap around the track in Ashley's training center when I am pulled out of my thoughts by Ashley calling my name. I pause and look back to where he is and see Andy beside him.

We promised when all this started that no matter how drastic the situation gets, we'll always make time for each other and spend time together. I jog over to him and he engulfs me in a hug. I love him so much. We could have stayed like that forever, but Ashley playfully shoved us and we broke apart. He chuckled and went back to training the soldiers.

Me and Andy exit the building, and start walking toward the living quarters. On our way there, we run into Beck. perfect, I think. We stop, as does he. "Where are you going?" He asks us. I feel Andy tense beside me, and I can tell he's nervous. "To train." I answer. I know I shouldn't have lied to my brother, but it was the only way to get him to leave.

"okay." he says, and walks off. Andy let out a relieved breath, and we kept walking. Something tells me it wasn't just Beck that was making him nervous.

Andy's P.O.V.

I've been putting this off for weeks now. I have to tell her about what happened with Liv. Jinxx has been nagging me about it, and I've been stalling because I'm worried. How will she take it? With my luck, she'll be angry and we'll break up and I'll never see her again. I just don't want to lose her. she's everything to me. I love her. Juliet and I broke up before F.E.A.R. happened, and I don't know if she's still alive or not, then Emma got attacked. I can't lose Nat too. I can't live without her.


*Ronnie Radke voice* I'm baaack! it's taken a while guys, but I finally got the first chapter of the sequel up! If you haven't read the prequel to this, I suggest you do that first. Just search Bring the War, and it'll be the first one that comes up. I'll try to have chapter two up really soon!

also, @hammythemoose won the challenge in the A/N in Bring The War, but it was way after the next chapter was published, so, here's another one. "Rhinos are just fat unicorns." so tell me which BVB member said that, and I'll dedicate the next chapter to you.

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