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I stepped into the airport searching for the familiar face of my best friend, Rain. The cool air conditioning rustled my hair a bit as I made my way through everyone. My phone buzzed and I tried my best to get it out of my pocket without jabbing someone in the side with my elbow. I walked over to a somewhat clear area before sighing in relief.

"Hello?" I answered without looking at the Caller ID. I was still looking around for her red head.

"It's Rain. Where are you?"

Looking up at the sign above my head I said, "outside of Starbucks. Where are you?"

She laughed softly before responding, "Inside Starbucks. I bought you an Iced Caramel Macchiato, is that alright?"

"Yeah that's fine. Thanks. Kyle with you?"

"Sadly," she sighed before giggling. I'm guessing Kyle was tickling her as 'punishment'.

"Well, okay, I'm entering now."

I hung up and smiled when I saw the two of them at a table not too far away. I'm proud to say that it is because of me they got together.

Score: Me- 3 Her- 1

"Hey!" Kyle said, pausing his affection towards her.

"Hello love birds. How was the visit?" I asked Rain who laughed at the memory.

"He was so nervous to meet my pa, it was adorable," she pinched his cheek causing him to swat her hand away.

"I was not! I knew my charm would win them over," he smirked at her and she rolled her eyes. "That's exactly why when he simply said your name you froze like a deer in headlights."

I laughed loudly at that. She passed me my coffee and I sipped slowly. "I wish I was there. Kyle, scared? I'm so upset that I missed that," I teased which in return he narrowed his eyes at me. I shrugged and stared down at the ice drizzled in caramel. How bittersweet the whole drink is. The sweetness of the vanilla syrup and the bitterness of the coffee being put together to make one of my favorite drinks.


I looked up and my eyes connected with her brown-ish green eyes. "You okay?" she asked and placed a hand over my own. I didn't realize that I was really fidgety. My leg was shaking and my fingers wouldn't stop tapping on the wooden table.

"I'm fine. I'm just nervous for this school year. I just have a feeling that something is going to happen," I told her. I've actually been feeling this way for a while. Its something that lurks over me. As if life is planning to get revenge for all the bad I did in my high school years.

"Don't be silly, Elle. No matter what happens you are still the best person I know. No bad could possibly happen to you. Oh, how's Mark?" she wiggled her brows and I frowned. "I think all my dates are cursed. He spilled his drink on me at the restaurant, stepped on my foot on more than one occasion, and when he went in for the goodnight kiss, " I sighed, "his nose collided with mine. That night ended in a nosebleed." I cringed.

"Oh wow. That sucks but at least it wasn't as bad as Theo," she said as she leaned her head on Kyle's shoulder.

I groaned at the memory of that disastrous date. "Please don't remind me. You make me want to go out and get a drink tonight and you know I stopped two years ago." The last time I got drunk I passed out and woke up in the backseat of some strangers vehicle. I was sober enough to know that we weren't moving and that they didn't notice I was up. I shivered. Honestly one of the worst nights of my life. Hands down.

She winced. "Yeah... Let's not do that. I think we should get going. It's almost six and we," she motioned between the two of us, "have to do our yearly shopping." She squealed excitedly and I laughed. Kyle slapped his hand over her mouth to quiet her. "Please don't babe. My ears still haven't popped from that flight but your squeals can pierce through anything."

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