Chapter 2

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What happened that hurt me so badly that I can't remember a thing? I thought, closing my eyes.


Mephisto's Pov~~

"She's countering him?!" A female voice yelled, pulling me out of my thoughts. I opened my eyes and I was somewhat holding a girl with long maroon hair, the same maroon color as my hair, though this girl had blue eyes instead of green like myself.

"Impossible!" She yelled as she ran toward the fight. I looked in the direction she was running and I saw a girl with flowy pink hair and pink eyes, I think she was glowing pink as well. The pink girl was fighting this really scary-looking dude. The pink girl was wincing as she was fighting the scary-looking dude, the fight installing a pink beam that the pink girl was shooting at the scary-looking dude, the scary-looking dude was countering with a reddish-purplish-blackish looking beam.

"Give up 'PRINCESS'. And I may spare some of you!" the scary-looking dude said. I looked at what he was referring to and saw four girls, one blue, one purple, one green, and one orange.

"NEVER!!" the pink girl yelled, her side of the beam becoming more powerful and shorting the scary-looking dude's side. When the pink girl's beam got strong, it sent out a shockwave that crashed into a crystal tower.

I looked at where the crystal was falling, revealing it was going to crush the marron-headed girl. "PRAXINA!!" I heard myself yell as my eyes widen.

The maroon-headed girl, whose name was apparently Praxina, stood staring at the fight, oblivious to the crystal that was about to crush her.

I teleported in front of her and pushed her out of the way of the crystal. Praxina let out a yelp of surprise. The crystal crushed into me hard, breaking the ground beneath us and cutting up my arms and back.

I looked back up at the hole in the ground that the crystal had caused and I saw Praxina staring down at me, then I looked at the crystal, which was now glowing white light.

I let out a yelp of surprise as it exploded, purple dust going everywhere. I shield my face as I teleported away, being a second too late to-

"Mephisto?" Y/n called out as I reopened my eyes, looking around confused.

"Praxina...?" I whispered under my breath.

"What did you say?" Y/n asked, raising an eyebrow.

Peter's Pov~~

We all stood frozen, looking at each other.

"Did you all just-" Seria said, completely shooked.

"-see our dad save someone only to be blown up?" Macie asked, clinging onto my arm, shaking.

"Yeah, we did," Macie said, burying her face in my sleeve.

I hugged Macie, holding her close. "Dad's fine now, Macie, but..." I said, rubbing Macie's back, trying to calm her down.

"How did your dad survive that and why was my mom and Seria's mom there?!" Nikko said, pacing back and forth in the living room. "And why was Jordy's mom also there?!"

"And who was that maroon-haired girl that your dad saved?" Seria asked, trying to get control of the situation again. "I think her name was Praxina?"

"Where's Praxina?" Dad said as he looked back at mom.

Y/n's Pov~~

"I don't know," I said, raising an eyebrow. "Who's Praxina?"

"I don't..." He trails off.

"I don't know..." He said, looking back at me. 

I sat next to him on the couch. "Maybe you recalled something from your past, like a memory," I said, rubbing his back softly.

"Thank you..." He muttered under his breath.

"For?" I asked confused.

"Helping me out," Mephisto said, smiling softly at me. "I don't wanna think what would have happened if you didn't find you, Y/n."

"You're welcome Mephisto," I said, smiling back. That's when I noticed Mephisto was still shirtless.

"Hold on a sec, I'll go get you a clean shirt or something," I said, standing up and getting off the couch.

"Oh! Let me turn the tv on for you," I said, grabbing the remote and turning the tv on.

"Thanks?" Mephisto said, looking at the tv confused and curiously.

"Don't be amused, it's just the new! Milly Turner here with what's new in Sunny Bay," The news reported on the tv said, though I did hear the rest as I walked into the hallway.

Mephisto's Pov~~

I looked at the 'tv', curiously as to how it worked.

"Recently, popular band 'LoliRock'-," the female on said as a picture of three girls popped up. I looked at the picture, realizing how familiar they each looked.

One of the girls was wearing a pink and black outfit. She had blond hair and blue eyes.

Iris, a voice said somewhere in my head.

Another was wearing an orange and black outfit. She had red hair and green eyes.

Auriana, a voice said somewhere in my head.

And the last one was wearing a blue and black outfit. She had brown hair and golden eyes. Her skin was darker than the other two.

Talia, a voice said somewhere in my head.

"-has announced that their next concert will be completely free!" the female on the 'tv' continued from before.

"But there are rumors going around that it will be their last concert," the female said, a touch of sadness in her voice.

"Some people think LoliRock is breaking up," I heard Y/n say as she entered the room from the hallway.

"Breaking up?" I asked confused as I looked back at Mady. She was holding a piece of clothing in her hands.

"It means that they wouldn't be performing or making new music anymore," Y/n said, walking over to me and sitting next to me.

"Oh, and this is the largest thing I could find you," she said as she passed me the clothes she grabbed for me.

I took it and hold it up to look at it.

"It's a hoodie, I hope it's big enough for you," Y/n said, smiling.

(replace the white with your favorite color)

I slipped the hoodie on, and surprisingly, it fit me

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I slipped the hoodie on, and surprisingly, it fit me.

"Hey, since LoliRock's next concert is free," Y/n said. "Would you like to go to it?"

Y/n's Diary (Mephisto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now