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Ophelia Blake Avana is a bright young woman many looked up to. Ophelia is someone who made her name for herself at a young age.

This beautiful Bulgarian lady was an inspiration to many being someone who became a professional quiditch player at a very young age right after graduating and along with that she is one of the most famous aurror due to the many stories of bravery featuring her there are.

So fame and having her life out there for the entire world to read and discover is something she has gotten used to, well....... as used to you can get.

But there's many thing the world doesn't know about her, one being that she's the aunt of the famous boy who lived. You heard me right.

How you ask? Well Ophelia caught the attention of the marauders when she moved to England and joined Hogwarts at the age of 11. Befriending them she became the little marauder and little Harry's aunt in no time.

So this is the story of a famous, sarcastic, intelligent and extremely caring 27 year old who has knack for mischief (but is it really a surprise? She's the baby marauder after all). Let's find out about her journey as she gets reunited with her nephew and tries to be the best person and role model for him while trying to fight the nightmares of her past. In this story we will read about their crazy journey that is filled with a lot of near death experiences, drama and a lot of precious memories being made.

So let's get started shall we?


A groan echoed throughout the dark room as a single ray of light escaped the thick black curtains and entered the messy room disturbing the resident of the room that laid sprawled on her bed.

The infamous Ophelia Avana buried herself in her comforter trying to block out the outside world where lay as she says, 'scary expectations and responsibilities'.

A defeated sigh escaped her mouth seeing as she could not escape into dreamland again. Giving up on the idea of finding sleep again she groaned throwing the comforter off herself down to the floor that was barely visible with all the clothes that laid sprawled on it.

With another groan she rolled over making her fall to the dark wooden ground with loud thump sound that could be heard throughout the house.

She hissed in pain and sprawled out on the ground in star fish position glaring up at the ceiling wondering why she did this everyday even though it would always ends with her on the ground hissing in pain.

Finally after what felt like hours she stood up with a huff picking the comforter and throwing it up on her bed while mumbling, "I'll sort that out later" under her breath but she knew that wouldn't happen just like all the other things sprawled out on her bedroom floor that she promised that same about.

She kicked aside the clothes in front of her making a way out of her room that she exited and made her way through the living room to the kitchen that was attached with the beautiful black and white living room that matched the entire mono toned house.

Humming a song under her breath she swiftly made a cup of coffee hoping to overcome having only three hours of sleep.

Leaning on the counter she sipped the contents of the cup looking out at the forest through the huge glass doors that lead to her back patio. With a content smile she listened to the calming chirping of the birds and the sound of waterfall at a distance.

Finishing her coffee she put away the cup in the sink adding to the growing pile of dirty dishes. She stretched her sore muscles from the uncomfortable position she slept feeling a little more energized.

She made her way to her bedroom well was about to at least but froze before she could exit the kitchen when she spotted the photo frame on the counter, the content smile slipping of her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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