My best friends forever

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Hi guys tell me if there are wrongs in the story I hope you enjoy the story :-)

NO! Summer is over today is the first day of school oh well I need to start a new life and find new friends. Last year all my best friends hate me I don't why, I was so good to them. But one day, the class, all of my classmates were looking at me. I asked one friend but she never told me why they were looking at me. So at lunch break I was about to sit next to my friends but they said " guys we have to go" so I sat alone. So the next day one of my friends told me the reason but I won't tell what is it.

oh well past is past I forgot I'm Andie Cruz today I'm grade 6 . I'm in school right now so I met Dorothy, Sheila ,John ed , Trisha, Jara, and I met a cute boy at class his name is James when I was home my parent ans sisters asked if " how was school ?" and I told them all the things happened.
The next day : me and my friends went to school together when we were at school the group of James was there too I'll tell you a secret
All of my best friends like the members of James so they follow the James's gang for me I don't follow them cause its too weird for them so I walk along going home.
The next day : in engish there were a roleplays so we need a partner for that my partner was him the play was every partner needs to dances a old song or a romantic song so when I was about to go home James called me and said Andie we need to do the dance step or we will get a zero then I said OK but where ? He said at your house I said OK ,when we were at home my parents ask who is he ? I told them his my partner for what? for English they said OK when I was getting my phone he saw my lock screen ( the photo was him) .
The next day : when he saw me he was smiling in front of my friends then they asked why is James smiling ? I told them what happened last night then they were all smiling and laughing so I was so mad at them in lunch break I talk to him I told him "why did you laugh front of my friends? He said nothing some thing was just funny I said what ? You :O so I ran to my friend and told them every thing.
The next day : I never talk to him after what happened yesterday
They said what's wrong with you Andie why wouldn't talk to him ?
Because I'm angry with him
Awww okay :-) :-P :-)
In engish class
It was time for us to present our dance so we have the most scored partner of all the class. So we were so happy and we started talking again but days pasted and months pasted some thing went wrong James asked Sheila to be his girlfriend and she said yes but she know that I have a crush on him so they broke my heart for
8 months I never talk to them and to my best friends too. And school has ended i only talk to my last year friends and have a party at my house it was fun. Then at my birthday may 23 I invited my friends and best friend i don't know that sheila and james were going so as the party going on their were two people at the door so my parent open and I saw them there bringing gifts when the party was over the gifts that they brought I gave it to my sisters but my friends called me and said Andie can you came here we're at the mall and i said ok what thime now ? Jara said yes when I was at the mall they suddenly get me ran to a place that there was balloons
Letters that said "please forgive us?" My face was 0_o i don't know what to say so I ran home when I was home my parents asked what's wrong with you said nothings wrong with me I'm fine
They said ok. I went to my room when I was at bed m ii was ringing it was John ed calling me when I answer he said Andie what happen to you why did you ran away are not ready to forgive them ? I said John Ed please keep this a secret I have forgiven them but I'm not ready to talk to them and call ended .

1 month later

Mom said Some one is at the door
When I open the door is was them I close the door back and I ran to my room and Mom said what's wrong with you while opening the doot and let them in. I lock the door and called john ed, Trisha ,jara,dorothy and ask why is James and Sheila here ? Hmmm they want to sorry :-\ :-\ I said OK I went down and talk to them james and said we broke up 3 weeks ago then i said I don't care if you broke up. And I said you may leave as they leave they left a letter
I read the letter

Dear Andie

We're sorry if we broke your heart 9 months ago please forgive us you may call us if you forgive us .

Your friend,
James and Sheila

I called them so it means i forgive them
On June 14 I invited all of my friends for an announcement "hmmmmm guys I'm an announcement I'm going to London for good I'll visit Philippines for once a year so this is our last meeting sorry if I don't told you all months ago our flight will be tomorrow afternoon" but I noticed that he wasn't there after the announcement Dorothy called he said James where were you during the announcement of Andie you'll be sorry she be going to London tomorrow afternoon james ended the call

as I was getting all of my things and pack them all Dorothy called me said "Hi Andie have a good flight" I said okay thank you

As we were at the airport someone was running then I said its James he said sorry if I wasn't there yesterday and I love you and he kiss me and that's it


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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