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"The empire of Hypixel is a very peaceful place. The people are always laughing and very chatty. The houses are full of the prime colours and all of them have different sizes that make the place look way more interesting. The markets, every Sunday, are very nice and there is always something new to look at. Only a hand full of people don't like social interaction. One of those strange people is called 'Technoblade' or 'General Technoblade'. He lives in a small house next to the giant Castle and near the soldiers tents. Nobody really blames the man for being such a solitary person. The poor man didn't have the best past. The citizens of Hypixel only rarely get a sight of him, either on some festivals or when he goes outside to take care of his pets and farm. The stories that go around the city every once in a while, do not make the General any less of a mysterious character. Once, people said, that they saw him scream at himself while he was planting more potatoes in his garden. Another time some tourists said they heard glass crashing on the ground while passing his cottage. The last story was from two kids. They said they heard two people in the blades home, but they never saw the second person leave or enter the small cottage.

The Emperor of Hypixel is loved all around the realm. He has shoulder length blond hair with a few strands of grey. He is popular for his good care of the empire and the creation of many amazing festivals. But he is also popular outside the Walls of Hypixel. the man has one of the strongest army of mankind and also he himself is a very strong fighter. Some say his war name is 'the Angel of Death'. The soldiers who survived in the last war, around a decade ago, say that they saw a pair of long black Wings in the middle of the fight. If you looked closely you would have been able to see two neon green eyes, that's what they say. But you never know, right? Those could all just be lies."

Those are the words of an old villager far in the south. His grandchildren are sitting on a rug begging for more stories.

All the way back in the Castle, there's sitting an old emperor, scared for the safety of his people. The majesty hasn't eaten in days and has only left his room to go to his balcony and look down on his land. He's scared. Not because he thinks that he can't take it, it's because he knows, that the citizens probably won't be able to take it. Suddenly he hears a knock on the door.

"I'm busy."

The person on the other side doesn't seem to care and comes in anyways.

"You don't even believe that yourself, do you? C'mon, you have been sitting in your office for the last week. You don't even spar with us anymore." 

A tall man enters the room. He has short, fluffy, brown hair and a pair of old glasses. The man honestly didn't seem like much. But the way he talks to the emperor, probably means that he knows the old man pretty well. He walks over to the desk and sits down on the side of it, looking down on a piece of paper. The emperor quickly hides the letter under the desk and shoves it into a drawer. The emperor looks up to the second guy noticing a flash of confusion in the other's face, but that disappears as quick as it came.

"okay... will you at least eat dinner with us tonight so you don't starve to death, Phil?"



After dinner the emperor, or also Philza, excuses himself. He decides to go to the garden to get his head straight. He wanders around the pond and the trees for about an hour. Then he has finally made his decision. A few minutes later there is a person climbing up the stairs to the highest tower in the castle. Only three people know what that room is: The emperor knows and his two sons. Up there are ten crows waiting to deliver a message like doves.

The Person living in the cottage has no clue what news he is going to get in a few minutes. In that moment he is reading a book about Greek mythology. Sitting on the couch while listening to the fire crackle would be very relaxing for someone, wouldn't it? Well, not for Technoblade. The Voices in his head are never quiet. He got these voices with a very young age. He did get used to it, but that doesn't mean that they aren't annoying. Most of the time he tries to ignore the voices, but sometimes he breaks and starts screaming at them. That often looks pretty weird for by passers. To distract himself he likes to read or play with his long gold pink hair. Right now the voices are pretty silent, its bearable. Suddenly he hears a sound outside his window. It sounds like a bird landing somewhere. He is right. The man walks to one of the windows in the Livingroom and sees a beautiful black crow sitting on the windowsill. Technoblade gently pets the crows back, while slowly removing the piece of paper attached to the birds claws. The man starts reading.

Dear General Technoblade.

About a week ago I received very important information from one of the guards in the far south. It looks like the Esempi is preparing for a fight or a potential war. This potential war could be against us. But it also could be against our neighbours Kinoko. But I think we should prepare for the worst. The Army needs to be ready for combat. The Guards in the south are pretty strong, but nothing compared to the entire army of Esempi. I'm sure you know that. Tell your men to be ready for either a long travel, the reassurance of the citizens or taking positions all around the Empire. 

Thank you very much. If you have any problems tell one of the guards in front of the castle and I will get informed.


Technoblade reads the letter at least fifty more times that night, before he decides to go to bed. He knows that he isn't going to get any sleep, but he is hoping to at least be able to relax a little bit before the long and exhausting next day. 

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