[don't you call him what you used to call me]

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writing prompts:
"why didn't you pick up, i was terrified."
"does it look like moved on?"
"you said you'd always be there for me. but where the fuck were you huh"


harry's pov:
i saw her today. she was in a club with her friends. it's saturday night. but what i didn't expect her to do was to bring her newest man toy with her.

i was looking at them from a distance, particularly shocked to see her so calm and collected after we broke up two months. i started panicking. i still fucking love her and there she is, her back against the wall his body pressed against hers while she lights another cigarette.

so i kept a close eye on them. mostly on him because i didn't trust the damn bastard. therefore i also witnessed their fight he made a comment and she got pissed off. her eyes somehow caught mine from across the room and even though she was angry she looked insanely beautiful. after a while she just left she left him here and exited the club.

my heart started racing like i needed to know where she is going like i needed to make sure she was ok. so fast forward to right now i'm in my car speeding to get to get apartment since she wasn't answering my calls.

god i can't help to think i made the biggest mistake of my life letting her walk out of my home that day two months ago. i should have made her listen i should have helped her understand that she was everything i could ever want.

i have no idea what gave me this much energy but i practically sprint to her door once i get to her apartment building. i just want to know she got home ok. i sure hope she went home.

as i knock i hear the other side of the door saying something like "jacob, i really don't want to..." and she opens it.

her eyes froze on mine like she wasn't expecting to see me. this is the first time i've seen her up close and she is even prettier than i  remember. her skin is flawless, cheeks naturally rosy and her lips so plump my eyes can't help but drop to them.

i don't give her a chance to react as i push past her into her kitchen so she can't close the door on me.

"thank god you are ok." i let out a sigh i didn't know i was holding back. she follows slowly behind me to the kitchen island. her expression is confused like she can't read that i still love her, that i'm still in love with her.

"harry, what the hell are you doi-" i interrupt her before she can finish that sentence.

"why didn't you pick up, i was terrified. i thought something had happened to you. it's not funny, y/n. next time pick up the damn phone!" she looks stunned and i don't know where the anger came from.

"wow, thank you for caring sooo much about me." she says sarcastically. my brows furrow. if i only knew what was going on in that little pretty head of hers.

"y/n. wh-"

"why do you care so much? don't pity me, harry. and wipe that damn look of your face. stop looking at me like i'm broken."

well this escalated quickly. i have no idea why she's so pissed of at me. i came here to check on her which even her now boyfriend didn't do.

she continues "if you are pissed about seeing a guy need i remind you you don't get to feel possessive any more! you left me! you fucked up, harry! now leave my good damn apartment!"

that is definitely not what happened. i was under the impression she left me.

"what the fuck are you talking about, y/n?! you fucking left me. you just walked out on me! how does that make me the bad guy?!" i can't believe she somehow found me to blame.

"no, i left because you said you couldn't do this.." she gestures between us."... that you couldn't do us anymore!..." i can see tears gathering in her eyes. i guess she isn't over the whole situation as i thought she was. "... you said you'd always be there for me. but where the fuck were you huh. you fucking broke up with me the second we get into a little fight."

i stayed quiet listening to her side of the story. "y/n, i wanted to stop fighting. i didn't say i was breaking up with you." i state in the softest way possible not wanting to hurt her more.
one tear slips and starts to fall down her cheeks. she looks confused not understanding the situation.

"what? b-but i saw you. a week after we broke up i saw you with someone." i have no idea what she is talking about but all i can think about is how i don't want her to cry. i walk to her keeping a distance to make sure she doesn't feel stuck. my hand reaches for her as i wipe her tears.

"baby, there was never anyone. i want you." her eyes are looking at me and i have use a lot of control not to kiss her pain away. i never wanted her to hurt so much.

"b-but i thought you moved on. i th-thought i lost you." she melts at my touch. her eyes can't bear look at mine longer then she already has. they drop to the floor and i miss them on my face.

"hey, look at me..." i gently lift her face so she looked at me again. i need her to understand. "...does it look like moved on?"

i can't take it anymore. i need to kiss her. i want her to know how much i need her and how much of a wreck i've been without her. lowering my head i check her eyes for any doubt.

and when i see none i finally finally finally kiss her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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