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Hey guys when you choose your name , can you pls choose an Indian name . Search if you don't know any love ya all

Your POV
" welcome , welcome ladies and gentlemen for the 1st round of the Kung fu competition " a guy says and rings a gong but gets angry and then a big guy rings a gong and everyone is quiet . Skip after the king and princess arrives
" go y/n it's your turn " says chutki as I take a deep breath and walk into the ring while my friends cheer and the crowd goes quiet and the starting gong rings and my opponent attacks me but I flip backwards and jump and kick her and she falls backwards and I land on the ground and I do a fighting stance and I look up on the score bored and saw one point under my name and I smile and look back just in time to see that my opponent tried to punch me in the stomach but I blocked her and stomped on her foot and kicked her . Yes 2 points , one more and I win i think and attack her again and I win " win " says the referee and I walk back to my friends while the crowd chants my name " wow you did amazing " says chutki , hugging me skip to when kusa comes
" now let's welcome the champion of Thailand the strong Kusa , very dangerous player , has taken out all his opponents and his challenger will be PING " says the announcer as everyone looks at a small boy doing weird moves and I facepalm when he ran away " I will " I heard and me and my friends smiled and see a figure run in and flip in the air and we all jump in excitement " the the fight begin " he says  oh boy I think as the announcer says " the mighty Kusa is being challenged by this little kid , looks like he wants to get beaten up " mocks the announcer " just because your young , doesn't mean you'll lose " says bheem and I smile . Ok ok I admit that I like bheem a lot ever since he saved me from a tiger in the jungle , we have been very close friends
The fight :

The girl in blue is princess Kia , boy in red is Ming , big guy Kusa and purple girl chutki , blue monkey jaggu and small boy with only 2 hairs , Raju
" wow what a fight this boy had won everyone's hearts , tomorrow the next event will be held in this very arena " the announcer says as people start to leave and we all run to where Kusa and bheem were " that was amazing " I say and hug bheem tightly

Bheem's pov
Yes yes I do like y/n A LOT ever since I saved her in the forest actuall which was a long time ago " ahem ahem are you two love birds finished?" Chutki says playfully and we let go immediately and and start blushing like crazy and everyone grins evilly oh boy this is not going to end well I think

Chhota Bheem x reader  ( Kung fu Dhamaka )Where stories live. Discover now