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The case continues...Tanner questions Andy at her and Robert's home, with the entire team present, except for Maya. Sullivan is upgraded from the ICU. Balderas warns Ryan Tanner (again) about not getting too personal with the case. Barrens is discovered to be CNBC  (Celibate Not By Choice). CNBC (Celibate Not By Choice) aka IC (Involuntarily Celibate): These creeps hide online and rant about how it's a MAN'S RIGHT to have, nay, DEMAND-sex from Women...any who don't cooperate are subject to the 'movement's' idea of suitable punishment...YES, such assholes EXIT!

Victoria and Lucas Ripley visit the Sullivan-Herrera home soon after their shift ends. aNDY hugs and kisses both, warning that her baby son is still napping.

"Hey, are you?" Vic asks, concerned.

"Going out of my mind. He's stable, but..."

Ripley says, firmly, "DO NOT say Vasquez...don't think it, either."

"You're right of course, Lucas...but how can I not?"

Vic says, "Right. We're just saying that the chances of that are low and that focusing on what might happen distracts from your Littles."

Andy takes a deep, breath, calming herself. "Right. Right."

"MAMI!" Baby Adán, yells, stumbling into the living room.

"Si, Pa, venga...saluda a sus tios." (Yes, Daddy, come...say hello to your
Aunt and Uncle).

"Big Boy!", Vic hails, playfully tugging one of the toddler's toes.

He reaches for her, and she deftly scoops him up and onto her lap.

"Daddy's resting; he's coming soon," Lucas tells him gently.

Though he doesn't understand English(yet), the little fellow is comforted by his God Father/'Uncle's' words.

"You two have been so great...", Andy starts to say, when the doorbell chimes again. It's Jack, Travis and New Guy. Vic serves herself and Andy iced tea (their pregnancies); beer for the Men. Jack asks if Maya has been by; "She's there now, with Sullivan. I needed to bring the baby back here, freshen up", Andy answers.

While the men are working through their second beers, the doorbell rings yet again: "It's Detective Tanner, Ands," Jack calls. "Let him in?"

"Oh, we're doing that now?", Ryan Tanner says to his (ex?) friend. jack ignores him and steps aside.

"Just a few more questions, Andy," he says, still in the doorway.

"Let him in, please, Jack."

"Mami...qen-es?" The baby asks his Mom. (he means QUIEN ES-who is he?)

"Policia, se preocupe; vamos a ver a su Papi en seguida." (Police, My
My Love...don't worry, we're going to see your Daddy soon.) "What now, Detective?"

"This doesn't have to be adversarial, Andy. I investigate crimes, it's just my job."

"What now, Detective?", the Latina repeats.

"You want to do this in front of everyone?"

"I  have nothing to hide."

"What's THAT mean? You know, forget it...Barrens never had any contact with you prior to the date of your Aid Car call to the vehicle collision, is that right?"

"I've answered that question already."

"And there were no serious problems between you and Mr. Sullivan-no verbal or physical fights, disagreements? No...STRAINS on the relationship?"

"HEY!", Lucas says, loudly.

"NO. We're two people madly in love. He knows that he has nothing to worry about, except that I might be hurt on the job, and that won't even be a concern soon. And I trust him implicitly."

"I have a security camera video from Joe's Bar-that appears to be YOU, and some of the people here in this room...and to your're accepting a drink from him."

"In our 'single days', lots of Men bought us lots of drinks," Vic interjects.

"I'm talking to HER, if you don't mind, Vic."

"It's like she said: we're constantly hit on, even now that we're attached," Andy responds. "I don't remember every creep or non-creep who approaches me."

"And you didn't recognize him from Joe's at the accident scene?"


"He's a big guy...not unattractive, muscled up..."

"Visiting hours are over in three hours, Andy...if we're gonna take the baby to see his PAPA ", Vic says, sticking the needle in a bit. "He gets really upset unless he sees Robert at least once a day," she says to Tanner, as sweetly as possible.

"PAPI", Adánito says (insistently) to Andy.

"Yes, yes, Quierido" (adored one), "Let's get ready to go. Anything else, Detective?"

"We'll be in touch-beautiful baby...may I hold him?", he says.

"He doesn't respond well to strangers. Lucas, will you see the Detective out, please?"

"Of course."

Detective Balderas stops by Tanner's workstation on the way to hers. "YO!! ...why are you pushing this so hard with Andy Herrera? I told you very clearly, from the start, that if personal history worms its way into this case I'll get you bounced. You should understand that, and BELIEVE IT."

"What the fuck are you talkin' about?"

" stupid: 'Are she and Sullivan married? Did she know Barrebs from before?  'How old is her son?' And you went back there TODAY, without ME..."

"You were indisposed per dispatch, Balderas,", Tanner retorts.

"Just keep it tight, OK? Intel has this Barrens as CNBC (Celibate Not By Choice) aka IC (Involuntarily Celibate) I talked to him while you were gone: apparently, Ms. Herrera's rejection was the last straw; SHE was the target, not Sullivan. When she didn't appear, he became a target of opportunity."

"The SHIITTT..."

"Yeah...the feds might want in, and so KEEP...IT...TIGHT..."

"You got it."

Seriously, only got your shield seven months ago, so they're watching you-especially since this is a high-profile case. Sullivan's a war hero AND hero firefighter. They're itching for a chance to bounce you outta the department. It doesn't help that you're fuckin' a Watch Commander's daughter, who happens to hate your guts. Jenna's dad IS NOT an ally."

"OK. I get it."

"You'd better. I have to text Damien about tonight-we're GOOD, right?", she asks, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Right. Do your thing."


Lana🐝: Hey...we should meet only after work, no

DMan: ?

Lana🐝: I was with u when tee ?d S s/o

DMan: cum by mine later...working on something with Hackett

Lana🐝: Ur so NASTY! 😁

(text from Balderas to Damien Asante)

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