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to soojin's surprise, most of the group was there before 8

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to soojin's surprise, most of the group was there before 8. the only ones who didn't show up were hyohei, sakura, and mark (as expected), doyoung and taeyong. the rest had managed to arrive, which brought the biggest of smiles to the ravenette's face.

"why are we here?" haechan groaned, not pleased with having to leave his dorm on his free day. jungwoo had basically dragged him along, the silver headed boy listening intently to the girl.

as she looked around the group, soojin suddenly caught jaehyun's eye and felt her stomach churn. they'd just gotten together, how was he going to take the sudden news?

"so," soojin started, wringing her hands out. "uh, first, i'm paying tonight, so order whatever you want." insert cheers from the group of alcoholic college kids. "and second..."

the girl suddenly struggled to find her words. she'd been so conflicted seeing the lack of online interaction, but now, all together, she saw that they were finally having fun together. and she couldn't stop smiling. i can always go home later...

clearing her throat, soojin shrugged in happy defeat. "second, i love you guys. let's have fun!"

pool. darts. shots.

those three words basically summed up their night.

soojin was sat at the bar between taeil and johnny, laughing obnoxiously due to the heavy amount of alcohol in her system. her wallet was going to be hurting the next morning, but the was simply too drunk to care.

"damn, i miss dotae," the girl hummed before finishing off the rest of her beer. taeyong had to work late for a new photoshoot and doyoung was tired from staying up the night before to finish several assignments.

nodding along, taeil dropped his chin on his arms, which were folded atop of the table. "i miss hajoon. she wasn't a good person but fuck was she fine." johnny gave his friend a shove at that and rolled his eyes. "no way are you thinking about that girl when there's been a gorgeous one eyeing you all night."

and sure enough, all three heads lifted towards a woman across the bar, twirling an olive stick around her empty martini glass. her tongue touched the top of her lip at the sudden attention, a smirk forming as she sent a wink towards one moon taeil.

soojin glanced between the dazed boy and the woman twice before giving him a harsher shove. "don't just stare, you idiot. go talk to her!"

taeil didn't need to be told twice.

that left johnny and soojin, both taking sips of their freshly opened drinks in unison.

"so jaehyun, huh?" the man suddenly announced, and soojin choked on her beer. "ayo, are you trying to kill me? we're just having fun..." and they were, but something about the way she said it made johnny cock a brow. "you don't see yourself dating him?"

the girl's head shot up, furrowed brows falling towards her confused friend. "what? no, i never said that." she shook her head, "i like him a lot..."

"but..?" he urged, and soojin couldn't think of anything to say. there wasn't a but, she liked him. she liked spending time with him and having fun with him. she just didn't want a serious relationship. not in that moment, at least.

reaching for her phone to check the time, the girl's brows knit together when she scanned over her notifications.

SEHOONis there any chance you can come sooner?

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is there any chance you
can come sooner?

grandpas bad but

well, mom wants you to get
to say goodbye in person

SEHOONwell, mom wants you to getto say goodbye in person

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