Burning wishes (part 2)

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Drake's P.O.V

I've been spending about two and a half weeks in the hospital since the fire, and since then, I've been recovering well. The nurses removed most of the bandages on my body, leaving a few on my arms, my torso and one around my forehead. The hospital doesn't have much to do, so I decided to read all of the letters that were sent by my friends and classmates, and I still can't believe how much the people I love care about me. Most of them put smiles on my faces, and I wrote back to all of them. I've also been walking around the hospital for about half an hour every day to get my mind off of stuff and help me think. But, it doesn't do much to help. Not to mention the fact that I've been having nightmares almost every night about the fire. The only person that can really help me relax is Mike. Most times he would sit on the edge of my bed and lay on my lap. I really enjoy his company, and I can tell that he enjoys mine too. I let out a long sigh and run my hands through Mike's hair, before ruffling it, completely messing it up.

"Drake! Stop! Cut it out!" He says taking my hand off his head and sitting upright. I chuckle.

"What? You know I like your hair when it's messy." I say cheekily.

"And you know damn well that I don't." He says fixing his hair.

"Shut up and lay back down." I say leaning against the backboard. Mike just smiles and lays his head back on my lap and I start playing with his hair. At that moment, the nurse walks in, and looks at us surprised.

"Um, am I interrupting something?" She asks.

"No, it's fine." I say.

"Anyway, I just came in here to tell you two that you will be discharged tomorrow." She says with a smile. Mike shoots up into a sitting position.

"Wait, really!?" He asks excitedly.

"Yeah. Your wounds are almost fully healed and the burns have gotten much better since you were brought in here. Though, you are gonna need to add some cream and ointments to make sure they heal fully and leave little scarring, and regularly change your bandages." She explains.

"That's great! We'll finally be able to go back home!" I say.

"Just make sure you don't do anything reckless that might stun the healing process. Take it easy, get tons of rest and don't cause too much strain on your bodies." She says handing us a box of creams and lotions and bandages.

"Thanks." We say in unison before she walks out the door. Mike flops onto my lap, spreading his arms out.

"Just think of it, one more day and were out of here." He says.

"Yeah. Can't wait to see the guys again." I say.

"I am gonna miss that hot nurse though." Mike says after letting out a sigh.

"Which one? Mary or Emanuel?" I ask cheekily.

"Both." Mike replies. I chuckle.

"Yeah, same here." I say.

The two of us then get into a long conversation about the nurses at the hospital. At one point Mike made a joke about nurse Wilson's ass. I just playfully punched him in the arm and told him to grow up. He did made fun of me when I mentioned nurse Stacey, saying that I had a crush on her, which we both knew was valid, but definately a lie. Then we watched a Rush Hour marathon, which Mike ended up falling asleep half way through the third movie. I decided to but the blanket over him and fall asleep too.


The moment I open my eyes again, I know exactly where I am, and what kind of dream this is gonna be. Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. I groan and turn around slowly.

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