LA Chief Of Police Abigail 'Tommy' Thomas coordinates with Seattle law enforcement regarding the criminal JOSHUA BARRENS...our Josh, it seems, has a history of posting racist internet screed, yet, in a bit of a confusing twist, he focuses his 'romantic' attention chiefly on non-
Caucasian females (Latinas and Asians. He has serious convictions in LA for crimes against Women). LAPD, US Marshals, and the CIRG from Washington State Police/CID, and NY
CIRG Critical Response Group is involved in the task force.Was the Sullivan shooting a SINGLE, UN-CONNECTED EVENT? Or things going to get 'hectic' in
"Good morning, everyone...I've assigned my Deputy Chief, Donn Cooper, as liaison-he is present. Blake Sullivan, my Communications Director, is sitting in with me as well. Barrens is something of a weird duck: he has ties to White Nationalists and the CBNC movement, for which he has a blog...yet he seems to gravitate toward LATINA and ASIAN Women...per interviews, on the first date he's charming and engaging, real charismatic; gradually devolves into denigrating their culture, customs, on...the dates are no longer interested in seeing him again-for obvious reasons-and Barrens stalks, harasses, and terrorizes them, and whomever they might be seeing. We have multiple complaints to that effect, two felony convictions for assaults against females. Once for a woman, he dated the one time; the second against a massage parlor owner, when de didn't feel that he should pay for a 'happy ending'. He's bad news, especially, as I'm sure you're aware of by now, he has specialized military training. I don't envy your city's leadership."
Mayor Vernoff says, Deputy Chief Manny Calas is acting Chief, and will supervise Seattle's police response...there's been a change in leadership since our last discussion...Chief?"
Deputy DPC Manny Calas says, "If you'll issue a fugitive warrant against him, Chief Thomas, we can get the Marshals service involved. Their best manhunter, Raylan Givens, is on standby; the Marshal coming with him, Timothy Gutterson, is a former Army Ranger sniper. Marshal Rachel Brooks is POC on their end."
"Givens and Gutterson are top-shelf. Was Alison Knight, from New York, not available?"
"She is heading another task-force-Sons Of Anarchy."
"Ah... Donn: the warrant..."
"Of course, Chief."
SCPD Geoff Carrouso offers his take. "At this time, we've not involved any other agencies apart from Washington State Police, Washington CID, the Marshals, and FBI. IF this is a single incident, so be it; if any of Barrens CNBC cohorts, or racial purity clowns respond with violence, the NY Critical Response Unit is ready to react."
Sullivan stirs awake, slowly and with some difficulty-he's hazy from the sedative, and...narcotics!? Before he can panic, a tiny voice gets his attention; a small weight on the bed beside him. "Papi!", his baby son says, loudly (always LOUDLY)...
He clears his throat, uses his free arm to bring the child closer. "Papa...como almanecio? (how are you this morning, Sir?-literally how did you wake).
"Papi...con-sio asa Papi...a mi no meguta pa-pow, me gusta." (Daddy I don't like spankings).
"í le gusta? Con razon!" (oh, you don't like spanking-with reason!)
To Andy, he says, "¿De que habla?" (what's he talking about?)
"Buenas dias a USTED...tanto gusto en verlo despierto.. Mi papá (Good morning to YOU...I'm so pleased to see you awake, Baby Boy).
FanficA SURRERA STORY Battalion Chief Robert Sullivan was shot by a sniper outside of the home he shares with Andy Herrera. The wound is non-life-threatening (instincts honed during his Iraq and Afghanistan tours likely saved his life-he sprang to one sid...