The Watcher

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                The watcher

                By: Aiden Fountain

    It was a wednesday night,like usual,I was bored,to try and fix that,I  went to turn on my TV,but out the corner of my eye,there was this thing,I looked towards it,that’s when I got shivers down my spine...I knew it wasn’t human. I was frightened so bad I called my dad,weird part was,it just…..stood there.

    “Hello?” my father answered.

    “Dad there is this man standing outside in the backyard,”

    “What’s it doing?” my dad said like he knew what was going on.

    “Dad this isn't the time,” I said worriedly 

    “Just tell me what it’s doing,John,” He said with a stern voice

    “He’s just standing there,and what do you mean ‘it’?” 

I got confused,does he know what it is?

    “That doesn’t matter,what does it look like”

It started freaking me out  me more now that I knew my dad knew what it was,

I don’t know why I told my dad what it looked like.

“It’s wearing a bag over its h-head with a eye hole cut out a-and a tux with chains.” 

I said getting more shivers down my spine.

    “Whatever you do,don’t look away from it.”


    “Just don’t,and don’t answer your phone unless it’s me calling,understand?”

    “Yes,but-  and he cut me off” 

I didn’t know what to think,all I knew was to keep my eye on it.

                    2 Hours after

    I got a phone call,thinking it was my dad I answered it “Dad,is that you?” It was still silent,until I heard a voice.

“Hello John,how are you this fine evening?”

“W-Who are you!?” 

I yelling into the phone.

“It’s not Who I am,but more of what I am , John.”   

Just him saying that scared me more,It’s voice sounded like nothing I could compare….it was dark,cold sounding,but had this...this dark tone to it,like it was here to get something or,as if it has been here before,all I knew was it sounded male.

“D-Do you mean your that-”

“Yes,there is no need to yell,John,I am just here to claim  justice.”

“And h-how would you do that?”

I tried to calm down,but i just couldn’t. What did it mean by to claim justice?

“By taking you,” 

That’s when I started getting dizzy.   

“Don’t be so frightened,it’s not that bad,although I suppose you never get to see your family again,but I don’t really care”

“How is taking me giving you justice?” 

I said,struggling to get my composure

“You will find out soon enough,John”

“Well it doesn't matter,y-you can’t move,”

“And why is that?”

“B-Because if im looking at you,you can’t move,” 

I thought to myself I’m in the clear,as long as I keep looking at him,he can’t move,right?

“That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard,” 

I suddenly had a sick feeling in my stomach,now knowing that i’m defenceless,it made it 1000x worse. I tried to hang up but for some reason it wouldn’t let me.

“Then why don’t you take me already.”

“Because John,Your father needs to realize that his actions have consequences. 


My eyes widened 

“What do you mean his ‘actions’?! My dad has done nothing wrong!” 

I screamed into the phone

“He’s been lying to you,John,for years now,your 16,your sister is now 23”

I suddenly got really confused…..I don’t have a sister. 

“See,I know you, you're a monster,I don’t have a sister.”

“That’s because I took her,John, and now your father has broken our deal. A deal he should have never broken,”

I was starting to shake “I-I don’t have a sister! Y-your lying to me!” 

I yelled more

“How about this,let’s make a deal,neither of us lie to each other,you have three chances each time you lie,if you don’t tell the truth within those three chances,I take you,and your father,and if I lie,you and your father are free to go.”


“Don’t go back on it John.”

I was shivering in fear,hoping and praying in my mind.

“To make it easier,we’ll play a question game you humans call...20 questions? Is that the name?”


I started to think of ways to escape

“Question one, Do you believe that I’m telling the truth?”


“Strike one,again,do you believe I’m telling the truth. Remember John,I know when your lying”


I screamed

“Strike two, Do you belie-”

“I-I don’t know!” I yelled in hatred,trying not to cry,but tears eventually seeped out.

“Good,your turn.”

I started trembling,thinking of the possible outcomes and trying to think of a question at the same time 

“O-Ok,what exactly are you?” 

I asked,shaking.

“I’m a being that’s been around since the beginning…..I have no main figure,for I can only be seen by who I choose-”

I cut it off 

 “Just tell me a simple answer!”

“There is no simple answer John,but certain beliefs call me different names like reaper,demon,shapeshifter,but i personally like...The Watcher.”

That name gave me chills around my whole body,I then noticed my phone was off 

“H-How are you talking t-to me,the call ended-”

“It’s my turn,John”

I swallowed hard,when I looked back at it was gone,freaking out I ran down stairs into the basement,there was this hidden cubby behind the couch I would hide in when me and my dad would play hide and seek when I was little. I grabbed blankets and hid in the cubby with them,covering up with the blankets.

“Don’t hide John….I know where you are,I can sense your fear...I can feel your heartbeat. There’s nowhere to hide,and nowhere to run.” 

I started sweating,the silence was unbearing 

“J-Just  ask your question already..” at this point I just gave up.

“Are you afraid of the truth,John?”

I sighed deeply,closing my eyes

“At this point...No."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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