Not a story but how it could go.

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I can't write so here is an idea book.


1.Tarka Ji is the middle or youngest child, but like his siblings, he goes out to the world and makes business as a champion martial arts fighter and has a wine brewing business going making some of the best wines around. But like in the movie, his dad comes and picks him up later in life like Shang-chi. 


1. excellent martial artist

2. master at weapon combat

3. skilled free runner/parkour expert

4. Great wine brewer and drinking buddy

5. Capable of setting his hands on fire striking fire damage, throwing fireballs, or giving himself a fire aura boosting his speed and lets his attacks deal fire damage.

6. can produce a powerful counterattack that deals fire damage and can increase damage based on how many melee attacks hit him while in his stance.

7. Knowledgeable on some fights, some business, wines and brewing, street facts/smarts, odd facts pertaining random things.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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Tarka of the twelve rings (not a story, an idea for one.)Where stories live. Discover now