c h a p t e r 11

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When I got back from digging my hole I walked into the tent, as usual, and found Stanley teaching Zero.

"Hey boys." I greet them with a smile as I throw my stuff onto my bed.

"Hey, Girly." Stanley replies.

"What are you working on?" I ask as I look over their shoulders and see Zero's name spelled out on a piece of paper. I've only taught him how to spell his real name, Hector.

"You know his real name's not Zero, right?" I ask Stanley.

"That's what I told him." Zero told me as he looked over his shoulder.

"It's not?" Stanley asked as he looked between the two of us. "But even Pendanski calls you "Zero.""

"That's cause he's dumb as a rock." I chuckled.

"My name's Hector, Hector Zeroni." Zero told Stanley.

"Nice to meet you, Hector." Stanley said as he stuck his hand out.

"Nice to meet you too." Zero chuckled he shook hands with Stanley.


The next day I stopped digging to take a drink of water. When I looked over I saw X and Squid bothering Zero and Stanley.

Zero has been helping Stanley with his digging so Stanley can have more time to help him. All the guys are really upset about it.

I climbed out of my hole and made my way over to them.

"Y'all might want to get back to work. Don't want Mr. Sir seeing you slacking off now would ya." I say with a fake smile while putting myself in between the two boys and the hole.

"But-" X started but stopped himself.

"But what?" I ask.

"Nothing. Come on Squid."


"Where's your whip, caveman?" Said Armpit as he passed Sanley's hole. "You don't want you slave to be slacking off."

"It's not slavery, it's an agreement." Stanley told him.

"Yeah, man, whatever."

"Leave 'em alone Pit." I told him as I passed him towards the truck for food.

"Line 'em up. I don't have all day. Let's go. Let's go. We have bologna and cheese, apples, and Graham crackers." Pandenski called.

"It's not bothering you in the slightest bit what their doing?" Zigzag asked from behind me while we stood in line for food.

"No." I answered plainly.

"You don't think it's unfair?" Zigzag asked, an annoyed tone in his voice.

"Look, it's not my business. I do my duty and dig my hole. At the end of the day, I really don't care." I told him as I grabbed my food.

"Y/n, good afternoon." Pandenski said in a cheerful voice as I grabbed my sandwich.

"Pandenski." I said with a nod.

I walked away and took a bite out of my apple. I grouped with the other guys as they ate their lunch and watched as Zig walked over to Stanley as he ate his apple on the ground.

"Hey, how about I give you my cookie and you let me dig your hole?" Zig teased and I rolled my eyes. These boys are so dramatic. "Go on. Take it."

Zig shoved the graham cracker at Stanley's face and boys chuckled. Stanley stood up.

"Back off, man." Said Stanley before Zig pushed him and he stumbled back. It was strange seeing Zig get so irritated. I've never seen an angry side of him.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's going on here?" Pandenski interjected as he made his way over.

"Nothing, Mom. We was just fooling, right?" Squid said as I rolled my eyes again as I turned slightly away from the group.

"I saw what was going on. Go on, Stanley. Teach him a lesson. Hit him back." Pandenski told him and I snapped back around.

"Yeah, teach me a lesson." Zig taunted as he shoved Stanley again. "Come on. Hit me."

"Hit him." Pandesnki added.

"Don't hit him. Don't hit him." I said as I shook my head.

Stanley slapped Zig and Zig immediately took him to the ground.

"Zig, stop!" I yelled over the boys.

Zig punched Stanley in the side before Stanley pushed them into a hole. Stanley quickly climbed out and Zig followed, punching Stanley in the face. Taking him to the ground again.

Zero jumped onto Zig's back put Zig in a chock hold.

"Zero, stop it!" I yelled as I made my way through the boys and rushed over. Zig went down on his knee, trying to pry Zero's arm off.

I grabbed onto Zero's hand and tried to get his grip off. They fell to the ground and Zig started choking.

"Zero! You're gonna kill him!" I exclaimed as I pulled on his arms.

Zig's face started turning a deep shade of red and I began to really panic.

"Hey, Zero. Stop." Pit said as he quickly made his way over to help me.

"Zero!" I yelled as Zig tried to gasp for air.

Suddenly a gunshot was heard and we all jumped. But it got Zero to let of Zigzag.

"I said that's enough!" Pandenski yelled. "When I say to end something, I mean end it."

As Zero stood up, I quickly went over to Zig as he lay on the ground.

"You okay?" I asked, really concerned. He didn't answer me as Squid came over and helped him stand up.

"You all right?" Squid asked him as I stood up.

"No, no, no. Leave me alone." Zig muttered before going over to his hole.

I was confused and hurt that he didn't talk to me when I asked him if he was okay. Is he upset with me? What did I do?

My confusion quickly turned into frustration when I saw Zero and Stanley walking off. I stormed over to them and stopped in front of them, making them stop in their tracks.

"What were you two airheads thinking?" I asked angrily.

"He was hurting Stanley." Zero said plainly.

"And you almost killed him, Zero. I get that you both were angry from everyone making fun of you. And I don't agree with what
Zigzag was doing. But what you did wasn't okay Zero." I told him with a calmer voice.

"It's like you say, I stood up for what was right and I'm not sorry for it. You did the same thing I just did to your stepdad."

"I understand why you were upset and why you did it. Trust me, I understand. But my stepdad was an adult. Zigzag is a sixteen year old kid. What if you did kill him. Would you want that on your conscience?"

Zero and Stanely look at each other.


"Okay." I sighed as I relaxed.

"Are we good?" Stanley asked. I looked between the boys and shrugged.

"Yeah. We're good."

✓ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 | | { zigzag x reader }Where stories live. Discover now