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You were finally free from work after the longest shift you'd had in months. You were ready to wind down and have fun with friends. You texted your group chat if they were all down to hang. You didn't even have time to put your phone down before they replied.

Yeonjun: yeah, I'd love to hang <3

Taehyun: that sounds fun :)

Soobin: oh cool! Count me in

Beomgyu: finally! I thought they'd never let you go! You were gone WAY too long! What's that place even making you do?

Huening Kai: awesome! I'll bring snacks :D

Smiling to yourself, you put your phone away as you took your usual route to get to them. Once there, you shot them a quick text to let them know you're here. You smile again as your phone buzzes. You don't check it since you figure it's just text responded to your own. As you got closer to where they were, you could just hear their laughter and shouts. It's no secret that they're one of the loudest groups ever. Somedays, you question how you even became friends. Many of your schoolmates are aware of how reserved you are. You never really made friends on your own. There was always someone else introducing themselves to you.

You made your way into the room with little to no noise. They only notice you because of Yeonjun's exclamation.

"There you are!" He said, jogging over and grabbing everyone's attention. You rolled your eyes a bit and let out a huff.

"What? No knock? No proclamation of your arrival? That could've been dangerous!" He continued, wrapping an arm around you.

"I mean you have to be a bit careful... What if one of us was underdressed." He whispered that last part and with his emphasis on the word 'underdressed' it didn't take long to get what he meant. You shove him off and look away with a scoff, hoping that hid your blush. You made your way over to the rest of the group and sat down, exchanging hugs and hellos with everybody.

"Ah, don't be like that, Y/N, I was just teasing," Yeonjun said, mockingly begging for forgiveness as he sat back down with the group. You give him an eye roll and cross your arms to play along. You end up laughing and breaking character. Everyone joins in before talking about tonight's plans began. First thing on the agenda was a Connect4 tournament. To pick opponents, everyone decided on drawing straws. Beomgyu got up to grab a cup and some paper. Everyone wrote their names and put them back in the cup. Beomgyu gave the cup a little shake before handing the cup to Soobin.

He took a paper out of the cup and worriedly looked at it. If there was a face for thinking about multiple scenarios at once, it would be his right now. He sighed as he handed the cup to Huening Kai. Unlike Soobin, he barely reacted and just handed the cup to Taehyun. Now, Taehyun on the other hand just nodded as if he was accepting an invitation to infiltrate an enemy clan. Beomgyu gets it next, and he managed to keep his face relatively the same, but you could clearly pick out the slight panic in his eyes. Yeonjun was by far the most expressive towards his opponent, looking at his paper with a smirk. Oh, the butterflies that popped into your stomach.

You gave yourself a slight pinch when no one was looking to straighten your thoughts... Until the cup needed to be passed to you and you had to grab it from Yeonjun. You did your best not to think about the fact that your hands are touching and take the cup. You take a look at your paper and your heart nearly drops out of your chest.

"Okay! We all have our papers! Let's show them off! In three, two, one!" Yeonjun piped up, snapping you out of your daze. Everyone shows their papers, and you hastily flip yours over too.

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