Enjoy :)

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10:38 am 12/14/17


your mom ;)<

>Haha. I am laughing so hard right now.

shut up, im funny your just dumb 🙄<

>No, your just not funny.

>ANYWAYS!!! What time are we meeting?

uhhhh idk my mom said she could drop me off at like noon' thirty?<

>Oki doki! I am free all throughout today!!!!

your so weird<
jkjk ur not<

>Ok see you thennnn! And your right, i'm not weird. Your weird enough for the both of us.

3:07 pm 12/14/17

that was rlly fun lol<

>Yup!! It's always fun when I am there 😎

Oh shush, your full of yourself.<

>AM NOT!!!

are too<

>Pshhh whatever. Anyways, you'll be at school tomorrow, right?

yea duh- my mom NEVERRR let's me skip<

>Awesome!!! You can suffer through that science test with me!

wait WHAT?!!!<

11:38 am 12/15/17

>HEY!! You told me you'd be here!!!

so actually, funny story- so i woke up and felt really tired and had a huge headache, so i told my mom and I also had a fever apparently, so now she's taking me to urgent care to get checked out<

>Really? Damn. I hope you'll be ok!

yeah i'll be fine, it's probably the flu anyways<

9:04 pm 12/15/17

>Hey! What did the doctors say?

oh they just said it was the flu. i'm gonna have to stay home for a bit to recover and stuff<

6:15 am 12/20/17

>Hey! Are you feeling better yet? it's been a week.

idk i've been feeling super dizzy, and i've lost a lot of weight, my mom is gonna take me to the ER today I think. i also have like a hugeee headache<

>Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry. I hope you feel better soon!!!!

12:54 pm 12/20/17

so we just got out of the ER, they want me to come back tonight at 5 so they can scan to check if anything is wrong. i still feel really tired tho<

>Dude, do you need me to bring you an emotional support stuffy from my collection?

that would be deeply appreciated, run it over to my house NOW >:))) or otherwise perish.<


6:38 pm 12/20/17

we got back the scans...<

>What happened??! Is everything ok?!?

it turns out I have brain cancer.<
the doctors told me i might not make it long. but they said it's 50/50 so i shouldn't give up.<

>That isn't a funny thing to joke about Casey.

i wish i was joking. why would i joke about this?<

i feel like im going to pass out. i'll talk to you later.<

12:00 am 1/1/18

>Hey. How are you holding up?

im ok i giess<
my hands feel heavy lol<
happy new year tho!!!<

>Yeah! Happy New Year! Do you want me to come over? We could hang out!

hm idk, my mom is working so sure<

>Ok! I am on my way then 😎 🎉 🥳

3:34 pm 1/3/18

>You good? You looked pretty pale the last time I saw you.

i got hospitalized<

>Do they know if you'll be ok?
>Are you ok??!
>My mom said she saw your name on the news
>Cas please this isn't funny
>Please Cas
>I miss you so much
>Please don't do this to me
>I can't live without you
>Please Cas
>Please respond.
>I hope you know that I love you, your the bestest friend i've ever had
>Please Casey don't leave me by myself
>I can't do it without you
>I love you Cas.

I love you too<
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By: Oodlesofoddnoodles

Dedicated to Grandpa Bob.
I miss you so much, you always made me laugh, I loved going to your house, having bonfires, getting to stay up way past my bedtime, and I love you. Cancer takes the best of us, but I hope you are happier and in less pain then you were. Take care, and we all miss you.

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