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Art from Dalustoy on twitter ⬆️⬆️

The game started again Hiyori pass
the ball to Hiura, Hiura pass the ball to me.

"Make it to the goal [F/N]!" Hiura said to me

"I'm not sure about that!" I said after I received the ball from Hiura

I kick the ball to the goal, Endou used his hissatsu technique "Majin the hand" to block my shoot but before the ball get close to the goal Goujin do a heading to strengthen the shoot. But it's no use Endou still block our shoot.

"What's the matter?! The same trick won't work twice!  Endou said

"It's no use I don't see us managing to take a goal from that guy at all..." Goujin said

"It's like his a big mountain." Kozoumaru said

"Then let's stop with the frontal attack. The power of Majin the Hand is unequal to any goal defense against a frontal attack, but it isn't as strong when it's trying to guard the sides." I said

"Is that so?!" Goujin said surprised

"You didn't notice?" Kozoumaru asked

"We took him by surprise that first time, but he was able to intercept it." Kozoumaru said

Asuto and Michinari approach the three of us.

"No, Endou san hasn't gotten a full grasp on how to deal with attacks from the sides yet. If we add one more twist to it, we can make the shoot a successful one. Right Asuto." Michinari said to us

"Yes!" Asuto said agreeing on what Michinari said

"Do you have a plan?" I asked

"Yeah! The three of us together will score a goal against Endou san!" Asuto said

The game started again.

"Kozoumaru!" Captain said and pass the ball to Kozoumaru

"Lets go!" Kozoumaru said

"The three of us together will score a goal against Endou san!" Asuto said

"The three of us?" Kozoumaru asked

"I'll join Kozoumaru and Goujin senpai in their combo play. First, Kozoumaru shoots fire tornado from the front and have him bring out Majin the hand!" Asuto said

"You want me to use fire tornado as a decoy?!" Kozoumaru said

"This is not the time to you to complain and it's not a decoy, your fire tornado is powerful enough to make Endou focus all of his energy on it." I said

"Well..." Kozoumaru said with a slight blush on his face

|Back to reality|
Kozoumaru shoot the ball using fire tornado and Endou used Majin the hand to stop Kozoumaru's shoot but before the ball get close to Endou, Asuto kicked the Ball to the side where Goujin was waiting for the ball.

"Take this Endou! My hissatsu technique... Fire lemonade!" Goujin said while heading the ball

Goujin shoot was now close to the opponents goal and Endou used a different hissatsu technique.

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