Where it all began

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“Amelia, what do we do?! We’re surrounded and there’s nothing we can do.”
He wasn’t wrong, we were. There were loads of these minions ready to take us both down. I proceeded to look around my surroundings, I noticed we were right by a cliff with a huge drop. I looked at a few objects which glowed green and there was only one thing I could do.
My heart pounded and I woke up in a fret and panicking so badly almost like a panic attack. I checked my alarm and once again I woke up just in time for my alarm. I dragged myself out of my bed and headed to my wardrobe, it’s not big considering how much I get paid and trying to live the so-called American dream. I picked one of my favourite outfits and checked my watch. I was late and sprinted to my favourite cafe where I met my friend Sarah for breakfast and chat before we went into work. I’ve known Sarah for years; we have been childhood friends and we both always dreamt of becoming detectives. It wasn’t just us though, there was me, Sarah, Luca and Ben. We were all so close, we all went to the same high school together and promised each other that we’ll conquer high school together. But things changed.
Once I reached the cafe, I noticed Sarah was already at our table. I headed up to the counter where Ash was, we spoke a little bit and she recommended the bubbleberry special named after the cafe so I thought I would try it out and I ordered a sandwich to go with it. After paying, I headed over Sarah and sat down.  We started chatting and we managed to get on the topic of our home town and everyone there who I haven’t seen for a while. At some points in the year Sarah takes time off work and heads back home since I can never get the time off too and she always says “Hi” on my behalf. We always avoid the topic of Ben because it is so hard for me and tough for me to talk about because it just puts me in tears. Although this time around, Sarah mentioned his name and we just fell silent. She apologised for bringing his name up but I reassured her that it is completely fine, these things can happen when reminiscing. We checked our phones and noticed we were gonna be late to work, so we quickly got our stuff ready and headed out of the cafe. I had this gut feeling that there was something about today which didn’t seem to settle with me although it could have been the food.
We reached work and clocked in, the next thing I know is Chief Denver calling me over. I proceed to head over and Chief Denever says “I just thought to let you know that you have a load of cases on the way. They have just been transferred to us and you are the only one more suitable to do them.” Chief Denever proceeds, “They have emailed me the briefs on them and all physical evidence is being sent over as we speak.”
I reply, “But sir, anyone here is more than qualified to do them and with the workload I barely get any time to have a break.”
“I understand that Amelia but I trust you more to complete them. You always give them your all in everyone you do which is why you’re the top detectives here.” said Chief Denvers in an understanding tone.
I look at Chief Denvers and he’s giving me these puppy dog eyes so I say, “Just this once Chief and next time you can ask Detective Scott Jones.”
“Thank you Amelia, enjoy your day”. Chief Denvers says thankfully
“No problem, enjoy your day too Chief”, I reply.
I head to my office just dreading what is to come. A couple of hours go by and I’m standing in my office and I hear “Detective!”.
I look over and say, “Hi Karen, how can I help you?”. 
You haven't called me in regard to my cat.”, she replied. 
“I'm sorry Karen but I have been very busy and I haven't got round to it.”, I said.
“You told me you would make it top priority!”, she replied angrily.
“I never told you that I would make it top priority.”, I replied calmly whilst trying to hide my frustration.
“You're a detective. This is your job, it is in your job description!”, she replied angrily.
“Yes Karen, I am a detective. But my job description is solving murder cases or missing people cases, not missing cats.”, I said whilst praying she would bother someone else.
“I don't care. I want you to find my cat right now!”, Karen replied, still oblivious to what I had told her.
“DETECTIVE!”, I heard being yelled down my ear.
“I want you to find my cat!”, I heard being said to me angrily.
I looked over and said, “Sharon, nice of you to come into my office” whilst gritting my teeth.  “Sharon! Oh my god, how are you?” Karen said, shocked.
“Karen! Oh my god, I'm fine. How are you?” Sharon replied equally as happily. “I'm fine, thank you.”, Karen replied.
“They know each other, god save me today”, I thought to myself really regretting coming in today.
I knew I was never gonna get a word in edgewise with these two. I felt my phone vibrate and it was a message from Sarah. She sent me the funniest meme I have ever seen.
“How are the grandkids Karen?” Sharon asked.
“Oh you know, just lazy.” Karen replied.
“How old are they again?” Sharon asked.
“They are 8 and 10”, Karen said quite frustrated.
“The young people are so lazy!” Sharon said, quite annoyed.
“I know!” Karen said in agreement.
“Oh you would not believe what happened today”, Sharon said.
“What happened Sharon?”, Karen asked.
“Some so called employee wouldn’t let me return an item just because I didn’t have a receipt!”, Sharon said annoyed.
“That is so rude!”, Karen said.
“I know right, but they said it was part of their policy. Like c’mon, just let me return it even though I  brought it two weeks ago!”, Sharon said rolling her eyes.
“Excuse me both of you but aren’t you both here because you needed help”, I said butting in.
“I can’t believe you detective Goldheart, we were just talking. You didn’t need to yell at us”, Karen said, trying to cry.
“I know, I can’t believe you are a detective, I have had a traumatic day. I want to talk to your manager”, Sharon said, also trying to cry.
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms and in a stern voice said, “Actually I am my own manager, I just have someone higher who passes me cases. Now I would love to sort your matters out if you weren’t talking”.
“How rude, we have been standing waiting for you but you have been on your phone” Sharon said clearly not taking to the way I spoke to them. 
“Well I would but you both were having your own conversation and I can't be standing around all day.
“Your office is a pigsty, maybe clean it” Karen said whilst pointing her finger at me.
“Why have I never thought of that? I would have been able to if you both didn't barge into my office.” I replied.
“Oh how rude!” Karen said. I looked at Sharon and said,
“So what do you need my help for Sharon?”.
“My cat is still missing and my other cat is stuck in a tree!” Sharon replied.
“Oh my! My cat has gone missing as well and my other cat is also stuck in a tree!” Karen exclaimed
“I think my cat followed your cat into a tree,” Karen said, all shocked.
“Oh darling, I am so sorry to cause you this trouble.” replied Sharon, all sad.
Sharon turned to me and yelled, “Hey detective, you told me you would find my cat and make it top priority!”.
I replied in the calmest tone I could muster, “Sharon, I never said I would find your cat and make it my top priority and I also told you that finding missing cats is not in my job description. Plus I gave you the procedures on what to do and who to go to”.
Karen piped up and said, “You never gave me a procedure on what to do!”.
I rolled my eyes and said, “Actually Karen, I did. However I don’t think you didn’t take it or you threw it in my trash can.”
I continued saying, “Whilst as detectives we are not qualified enough to save cats in the trees, you would probably need firefighters for that. I know Detective Scott Jones would be happy to take your case and would love to save your cats”.
Few seconds went by and Sharon ran out of my office and yelled, “Detective Jones!”.
Karen yelled, “Hey Sharon, that’s not fair!”, as she proceeded to run after Sharon.
Once Karen finally leaves, I finally breathe a sigh of relief. Then as Sarah walks in she says, “Was that the Karen twins I just saw running to Scott?”.
I replied, “Yeah it is. They were worse than yesterday!”.
“What happened in here?”, Sarah asked.
“Well Karen came in pestering me about her missing cat and I said I haven’t got round to it.” I said.
“Then she said that I would make it top priority which I never said, Then the next thing I know, she’s telling me it’s in my job description”, I continued.
“Then what did you say?”, Sarah asked excitedly.
“So then I gave her a summary of the job description and then the next thing I know, Sharon comes in.”, I said.
“Then they mentioned how young people are lazy so I decided to interrupt them and they started fake crying like I yelled at them”, I said while rolling my eyes.
“Oh god!”, Sarah said while cracking up.
“I know right. They practically called me lazy just because I checked my phone because of the meme you sent but they were talking between themselves.”, I said nearly kraken up myself.
At this point, Sarah is just chuckling over everything and in all honesty it is pretty funny cause it’s nothing new with the karen twins.
“Then Sharon started on her missing cat and how her other cat is stuck in a tree. Which surprisingly Karen’s other cat is also stuck in a tree so I told them they probably need firefighters for that”, I said.
“I even said that Scott would love to take their case”, I said while chuckling.
“Oh my god, that is brilliant”, Sarah said giggling.
The next thing I know, I hear my phone vibrate. I pull out my phone and see a text. I’m in utter shock.
“What’s wrong Amelia?”, Sarah asks.
“Here read this, Sarah”, I say nervously.
“From the Army. “Amelia, we have new information about where your parents are. Please come to 422 Block Avenue”, Sarah said reading aloud the text message.
“What are you going to do?”, ask Sarah.
“I have no idea Sarah. I haven’t heard from the Army or even any of the sergeants for years”, I replied while putting my hand to my heart.
With my hand on my heart I said, “The last time they spoke to me was to persuade me to join so I could….”.
I didn’t get a chance to finish my sentence till Sarah said, “I remember Amelia. I was with you that day and you said no because you wanted to follow your dream”.
“What do I do? It could be risky going but then maybe they found something and want to let me know?”, I said unsurely.
“The only way to know is if you take the risk and sometimes the biggest risk gives you the biggest reward. But you won’t know unless you try.”, Sarah said reassuringly.
I thought about it for a couple of minutes and went over every pro and con.
“Yeah…… maybe you’re right. There is no harm in trying”, I said.
“I’ll go now and if Chief asks, just tell him there was an emergency at my house”, I said.
“Be safe Amelia and let me know how it goes”, Sarah said.
“Of course I will Sarah, see you soon”, I replied.
Just like that, I sprinted out of my office and out of the building.

After what felt like minutes of driving, I finally pulled up to the address. I got out and it seemed like an abandoned building. I mustered up the courage and proceeded to go in. When I walked in, it felt like my anxiety spiked so high. It was odd because my anxiety has never been this bad for so long that my mind felt so fuzzy.
“What is this place?”, I thought to myself.
The corridor looked so dingy and the walls looked degraded.
“Don’t be scared Amelia. Remember what mum always said “Be brave, be strong, and you can handle anything”. You have dealt with worse, you can do this”. I told myself.
I took a deep breath and continued down the corridor.

After what felt like hours of walking round this huge building, I ended up in a corridor that I swear I went down thousands of times. “I can’t seem to find anyone from the army! I must have been pranked!”, I said out loud. As I was ready to leave, I noticed a room I hadn't seen before.
“Before I go, I wonder what is in this room”, I said out loud.
As I was ready to take a step forward, I felt a huge pain in the back of my head and I fell to the ground. The next thing I know I’m hearing this voice, “Stay with me Amelia. You guys, go after …. ”.
“It’s Lieutenant Marshall , what’s he doing here?”, I thought to myself.
I fought to keep my eyes open but I just couldn’t and caved in.
However the last thing I hear is Lieutenant Marshall saying, “Amelia, you’re going to be fine. Just hang on”.
Then everything goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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