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~Alessia's Pov~

We kept running until we got to the apartment, bolting to Clary's room. When we got to the room, we saw Alec standing there, and Immediately Jace and I went over to hug him, and check him over. Which made him chuckle, and smile down at us. 

"I promise I'm ok, not even a scratch." Alec promises us, pecking both of us on the lips. 

"Now that we know your ok, how do we find Clary?" Izzy asks, now calmer knowing that her brother was safe. 

Jace looks around the room and sees a drawing, most likely Clary's. 

"We can track her using this." Jace says, as he tries to do just that. "Damn it. She's not showing up." Jace then turns to Alec, "I need help, I think we need to Parabatai track." Alec smiles and walks over helping him. 

"She's not showing up." Alec sighs, as he and Jace try to think of some other way to find Clary. 

Izzy walks back in, she had went into the hall a little while ago to make a call. 

"Just like I thought. She wasn't arrested." She tells us. 

I sigh and start to think where Alaric would take her. If she wasn't arrested, then the Precinct is not an option. There was this place that Luke always went to, said it was owned by one of his friends. Him and Alaric frequented there. But what was the name? I was broken out of my thoughts when a phone began ringing. 

"Who's is that?" I ask, looking around the room. Jace and Alec separated from each other, where they had been cuddling while trying to come up with ideas. 

"Clary left her phone in her backpack." Isabelle says, as she grabs the phone, answering it, and putting it on speaker so we could all hear. 

"Hello?" Jace speaks up first. 

"Oh, I thought I'd never utter these words, but thank God it's you. It's me, Simon." Simon says, sounding utterly relieved. 

"Are you ok? Where are you? And how is Clary?" I blurt out, wanting to know if my brother figure and friend were ok. 

"Y-yeah I'm fine." Simon assures me. "But they separated me from Clary, I'm in some sort of jail cell in the back." 

"Ok, do you know where you are?" Izzy asks, concerned. 

"I don't know. Some Chinese restaurant, I think? this cop Alaric arrested us, but it was a total fake-out. Him and his buddy, they took us... They took us to their hangout and then they told Clary that they'll kill her if they don't find the Cup." Simon rants, panicked. 

"Just calm down, all right? Tell us what you see." Alec says. 

"Okay. Uh..." Simon trails off. "Uh, we're definitely on a pier. There's a ton of water. Uh... I see lockers and... Oh, my..." Simon says, suddenly spooked. "I'm in some sort of torture chamber. There's claw marks all over the wall." Simon, semi shouts. 

"Werewolves." Izzy says, confirming our earlier thoughts. 

"Okay, Simon, you need to get more specific. Tell us what you see. Help us find you." Jace says, taking control of the situation before it can get out of hand. 

"There's nothing else that can help-" He cuts himself off, ruffling thought stuff. "Wait, hold on! Hold on. I'm at the Jade Wolf Chinese Restaurant on the pier at Greene St. And they have really inexpensive cocktails." Simon says, getting distracted towards the end. Before he shakes himself out of it. "Just hurry, just hurry." He says, slightly pleading. 

"Simon, you need to listen to me. You need to cause a diversion, Stall for time." I say, trying my best to sound calm when I'm anything but. 

"How? All I have are clothes and a lighter." Simon asks, sounding slightly stressed. 

Shadow World ~Alec x Oc x Jace (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now