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Let's just start out by saying this wasn't my fault. I'm just a silent, smart, shy student that only wanted to ever help out the student council. This situation was caused by the person that only knows how to bring me pain: Oikawa Toru.


I had never gotten myself into trouble before. I always just silently did whatever I could to be a good student. I always helped out the student council back in middle school- at Kitagawa Daiichi.

That's where I met him, the man that ruined my life. He caused all my problems, he destroyed everything. My life was fine until he came in that fateful day.

That very moment he stepped inside the student council room at Kitagawa Daiichi, everything changed and my life was turned upside down. I remember every detail of what happened that day, the events being burned into my mind- haunting my memories.



"Yes, Ichijo-senpai?"

He smiled- the Kitagawa Daiichi middle school student council president: Ichijo Kazuma, a second year and only one year older than me.
"Just call me Kazuma."

I smiled back. "Then just call me Y/n, Kazuma."

"Ok, Y/n. Can you help me with some of this? No one else is able to come help and it's a bit too much for me."

I nodded, sitting down next to him at the desk. "I'm always here to help."

I blushed while looking at him, my first crush: Ichijo Kazuma. We've known each other for a long time and are quite close, despite him being a year older than me. I've always followed him around and helped him anyway I could. I love doing it, and I want to always be able to stand by his side and help him with everything.
He also appreciates everything I do. Though, he surprised me more when he became the student council president in his second year. What surprised me more was that he had asked me to be his vice president, to which I declined. I had told him that I didn't really want to be a part of any clubs, but I still came to the student council room often and helped him out- I ended up earning the role of his assistant. This is what I decided I wanted to do. And I wanna keep doing it for as long as I can.

Kazuma sighed. "Y/n, why'd you wanna be my assistant?"

"Hm? That's because I wanna help you."

"I understand that, but you do need to live your own life. You can't always just live like this. There might be a day where I'm not gonna be around you and I'm worried for how you'll be able to handle things when that time comes."

"I know." I looked down. "It's gonna be different in high school. In high school, I'll do my own thing and I won't rely on you- I'll even join a club or the student council for real."

Kazuma looked at me. "Promise me. And look me in the eyes when you do."

I looked up, meeting his gaze. "I promise that when I go to high school, I'll live my own life. I'll join a club and make friends and not rely on you for everything."

He smiled, patting my head. "Good. I trust that you'll be great with whatever you do. Oh right, let's get back to work."

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