The titans bundled into the kitchen. It was dinner time and it was Starfires night to cook.
"Oh friends! I am so glad that you have joined me to eat the feast!" Her eyes sparkled in sync with her perky voice.
In the middle of the table a purple tray held a blue splodge. It had goo oozing out the sides that made the others shudder.
" What is that?" Beast boy asked as his nose twitched in disgust.
"It is a tamaraenian delicacy that is called klongporge."
"I'll try it, Star." Robin flexed in front of her.
Starfire clapped in happiness. "The joy!"
She shoved a spoon in robins hand and he lifted it to his nose. "Mmm. Smells like you, star."
She blushed rapidly. "I thought it smelt like you, robin"
She whispered something in his ear and he began to blush.
"It is really nice. You guys should try it." He handed a spoon to Cyborg.
"No. It smells like bee." He was away to object until he realised something about the dish.
Raven picked up a spoon. "I can't believe I'm saying this but, I want to try some!"
She out it to her nose then flipped it at the wall.
"Oh. My. God. It stinks! It smells like...Beast boy."
The other titans other than beast boy snickered.
"No dudes. I can smell it from here. It smells like tea, lavender and vanilla. Like you rae...Wait a minute!"
He glanced at Raven, who did the same.
"Starfire, what is the human name for that?"
"I recall it being referred to as a sniffy love potion."
Raven screamed then almost fainted.
"Woah. I felt like I banged my head.""it is the embarrassment, friend Raven."
Starfire pointed out.Raven ran out the room, beast boy chasing after her. "Rae rae! Wait up!"
"Haha! I never thought Raven could be embarrassed." Robin said, wiping away a tear.
"I never thought that Batmans sidekick could have nice hair but...look at you."
Raven was standing at the door, back from her little sulk.
"Um..Sorry rae I..." but she had gone.
She thought I had nice hair?? He asked quizzically.