It's Your Choice

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 A/N Sorry for the really late update, I've been really busy, expect more to come! thanks for reading<3

~Liam's POV~

"Okay, yep, three? Alright, see ya" I just got off the phone with management. What a fun conversation that was.

"Who was that?" Niall asked with a mouth full of food.

"Niall, how many times do I have to tell you to not talk with your mouth full"

"sorry" he laughed.

"It was management, they want a meeting with all of us. Riley too." Niall smiled at that sound of her name. Weird.

"Why Riley?" Harry asked putting his bowl in the sink. Everyone was awake except for Riley and Zayn. Always sleeping those two.

"I guess one of them was watching the twitcam last and they seen all the fans reactions to Riley's voice." I said yawning.

"Do you think they're mad that we sang a new song last night?" Niall asked.

"I don't know guys, we'll just have to wait and find out at three, they're coming here so we need to clean up a bit, Niall go wake Riley and Zayn up"

"You guys just want to me get beat up don't you" Niall whined as he walked up the stairs.

~Niall's POV~

I grabbed the pillow off of my bed and threw it at Zayn, not wanting to get hit again. The last time I had to wake them up, I got bruises that still haven't gone away. He groaned, threw pillow back at me and rolled onto his stomach. I threw it at him again.

"Jesus, leave me alone" he mumbled.

"I'm not jesus, Zayn." I laughed.

"Go away Niall"

"We have to clean up the flat a bit, managements coming over at three"

"What time is it?"

I looked down to my watch that wasn't there, I went for my phone in my pocket and it wasn't there either, so I picked up Zayn's phone.

"Uhm, Just now turning one."

He groaned again and sat up slowly.

"Why are you standing all the way over there?" He asked.

"So I didn't another bruise from you!" I laughed.

He just smirked and looked over to Riley who was laying with her back on the floor and her feet on her bed. Sometime last night she fell and I guess was too tired to move.

"How can she sleep like that?" He asked.

"I don't know" I laughed again.

Zayn walked over to her and smacked the bottom of her feet earning him a punch to the knee, and few colorful words from Riley.

"Now I know why you don't wake her up" Zayn said rubbing his knee.

"Come on Ri, we gotta clean up the flat before management gets here, they want you in the meeting too" I said as she got up stretching. 

"Why do they wanna see me?" She asked.

"Liam said it has to do with last night." I said shrugging my shoulders and picking up Riley, throwing her over my shoulders so she wouldn't go back to bed. I dropped her down on the couch and told her to eat then clean.

"Yes daddy" she said gaining a laugh from the other guys.


We were all sitting on the couches watching the telly when there was two knocks on at the door.

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