First Snow

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Xueer was lost. Very lost and very cold as well. She regretted wearing short sleeves and not bringing a jacket with her.

They were hiking as a group when she stopped to take a picture of the beautiful scenery. But as she looked back, all her classmates were nowhere to be seen. Not even a trace on where they're headed. She wandered around the mountains as she tries to find her way back, but she only ended up getting more lost.

A part of her shirt has also been ripped after she accidentally tripped on the rocks and got caught by a branch. Thankfully, her ankle was spared.

As the sun started setting, Xueer was getting frustrated, worried, and scared.

Just as she took another step, she didn't notice the mossy log making her slip and fall backwards. She was ready to hit the ground--she even has her arms wrapped on her head already--when a strong pair of arms caught her.

"Watch where you're going."

A cold, yet soft voice, whispered near her ear. Xueer slowly opened her eyes to come in contact with her savior's.

Her coffee brown eyes met the most mesmerizing set of hazel brown eyes she has ever seen. Beautiful, mesmerizing and very familiar. She had looked at those same orbs during her whole 5th and 6th grade that it's impossible for her to even forget them.


Said girl helped Xueer back to her feet before stepping away to give her some space.

"What are you doing here?"

Her previous frustration, worries, and fear slowly dissipate after finding a companion.

"I got lost," she shrugged. "You?"

"I got lost too." Xueer sheepishly admitted.

Jiaqi nodded her head before walking pass Xueer. The latter automatically followed her. They were both lost but at least now, she wouldn't have to wander alone.

They continued walking in silence. A surprisingly comfortable silence. Xueer expected it to be awkward since it's been a long time since they last talked, but she didn't feel any of that at all.

Her and Jiaqi were labeled as inseparable after they became friends when they were 5th graders. But as they stepped into high school, Jiaqi just started distancing herself while Xueer starts making new friends.


Her line of thoughts were cut off when she suddenly heard Jiaqi's voice. She looked at the woman and saw her jacket on her hand, lending it to Xueer.

The latter looked at her confusedly.

"You're freezing,"

Jiaqi took note of how cold Xueer's arms were when she caught her. She's been silent the whole time as she contemplates whether to give her the jacket or not. But when she noticed the slight shivering of the girl's body, she decides to give it to her instead of letting her die because of hypothermia.

"What about you?"

"I'm wearing long sleeves while you're wearing short ones. Not to mention the rip on the side." Jiaqi reasons, "You'll need it more than I will."

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