they are 5

15 0 0

(hi before I start I just thought I would say that I have dyslexia which means that if it is a spelling mistake or a grammatical error then that is the reason. but for the most part it should be good.) 

(psa after I finished writing this I learned how to spell techno's name to late now bit*es control+f my saviour ) 

🛑warning 🛑

this story contains very heavy topics such as

death, suicide, suicide thoughts, blood and derealisation

 please be safe and do not read this story if this is something that affects you negatively


the minecraft family is a family with the parents Philza and Kristin ther oldest son Kechnoblade and ther tow youngest sons Wilbur and Tommy, ther family diden't look like a normal family, the mother is the god of death, the father is half a humen half a crow, the midel son and the only biological son Wil was like his fader, the youngest son Tommy wher som kind of a burd probobli a perrot, and the oldes son wher half a neder pig.

it's hard for piopel to know that Techno is a part of the family event tho Tommy don't either look like ther parents at least  he has wings. this made so that techno often think over the fakt that maby it whas a mistag for phil and kristin too adopt him, he is always very violent bekus of the voices in his hed. mabye his family wold be hapier without him. he is never going to tel his family this.

when tommy was around three ther mother whas forst to leave them beckus somthing inportent to her gat stolen in death. she promest to be back son. this promes vas broken pretty fast beckus alot of her power disaperd. phil whas shor that his sons whas going too do somthing stuped desided it be sefer if they move to a clost forest awey from everywhan


techno started too disaper to his room mor often, his voices  whanted blod. but the only blod arond whas his own family, he's not going to kil them. his voices get mor and mor angry. he can't tel phill beckus how in ther right mind wold wan a son hows obsest whid blod. he can't hurt them if he isen't whit them. the Other diden't realy car that he disaperd to hes room hes a teenager after all.

techno lost control, lucky he was in a locked room, lucky for all exept himself the voices stat yeling "blod for the blod god" "are you shor you care abat this so cald family" "you don't even look like them" this is a truth techno diden't whant to think of, what if his family diden't care he has alweys ben difren't from them but they still love him right, he wil alwes love them "if it wheren't for your disgusting pig ears piopel whold actule respect you" anather truth, that piopel dont respect him. piopel look att him like he wold be a wild animal and thats only half corect hes more humen then pig and he wold never hurt enywhan that dosen't deserve it "we want blood" "give oss blood" "kill" "blood" he only knows one wey to make them stop, give them what they whant. he took his knife and lookt at it in his hand, one last chans to stop "do it" all the woses yeld att wans. he walkt to a mirror in his room. he lookt at evryting wrong whit him, his nose his pink skin and most of al his ears. att this point ters went down his cheeks. he raised the knife to his face, to his ear and he cut, he fal to the flor and star yeling in pain. his voices went cresy but he culden't her them, he culden't her nor se anithin.

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