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|your pov|
I just came home from the match, I'm right in front of the door of our house,
When I was about to unlock the door using the house key it's already unlocked.

"Maybe Hana nee-chan is here, but why she doesn't message me that she's going home now?" I thought

I enter in our house "I'm home" I said and take off my shoes.

I was expecting that my sister is the one who's gonna greet me "welcome home" but instead it's a familiar women voice.

"Welcome home [F/N]!" the familiar women voice said

Then I saw my mom standing little far in front of me.

"M-mom!" I said and went hug her and she hug me back

"I miss you so much!" I said while hugging her

"I'm here too!" When I turn around I saw dad getting something in the fridge

Dad!" I said, I went to him and hug him

"I miss you!" I said

"I miss you too honey." He replied

"I miss you both so much!" I said

"What are you both doing here?" I asked

"Why, are we not allowed in our own house?" My dad asked sarcastically

"No, that's not what I meant, I mean, you two are supposed to be on the business trip, right?" I said

"Yeah, but we take a rest for a while." My mom said

"Is Hana nee-chan here?" I asked

"I'm here!" My sister said getting down to the stairs

"Nee-chan!" I said with a smile

She smile back to me.

|mini time skip after dinner|
Me and my family are sitting on the couch in the living room while watching movie.

I already watched the movie that their watching so I'm on my phone scrolling on Facebook.

While I'm scrolling down I saw a meme that makes me smile cause it's kinda funny.

My Mom look at me and smile, I look back to her confuse.

"Why are you smiling while you're on your cellphone, don't tell me..." My mom said

"Don't tell you?" I asked

"You and your crush are chatting!" My mom said with a smile

"eh-ehh!! No I'm not-" I said but got cut off by mom

"Wait a minute, don't tell me you already have a boyfriend!" My mom said

(your crush appear in your mind) "No! I don't have a boyfriend or chatting my crush either!" I said blushing

"Wait, so you already have a crush!" Hana nee-chan said to me while smiling

Realization hit me and I blush so hard.

"No, I don't have one!" I said denying

"Who is it, who is it?" My Dad asked smiling too

"ohh please I just saw a random meme on Facebook that's why I smile, here look." I said, and showed them the meme I had seen earlier

"ohh we see, but you said you already have a crush, we can talk about that, tell us or just tell me who is it." My sister said and wink

"Not fair, you should also tell that to us! "My mom said

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