Part 1

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         The dark of night only being faintly illuminated by the cloud-covered moon, a clearing of dry prickly grass, a few wildflowers poking out adding the slightest touch of colour to the dim looking area that was surrounded by a thick tree line, forming a wall around the small area. That was what the young woman spotted after the dark black fog cleared that surrounded her moments ago. The faint glow of a burning fire was nearby, crackling loudly in the eerie silence. There were a few tents scattering the ground, varying sizes and colours, all facing the small fire in the middle of the clearing. She was confused and admittedly scared. One moment she was at the local supermarket buying groceries and the next she was swallowed by the strange billowing fog. Not knowing what else to do she edged her way towards the warm fire, seeing a few people gathered around it. "H-hello?" she asked cautiously, not sure of the situation she was in, much less the people before her. The group's heads turned, some giving her sympathetic looks, others flashing warm smiles. One face in particular caught the woman's attention. The lady before her looked shocked to see her, but she couldn't understand why. Were they someone she knew? As she stared at the mystery woman, a voice pulled her from her thoughts. "Hello, you must be new here." they extended their hand to her and she took it as she took in their features. He was tall with a slight slump to his shoulders, with short brown hair and glasses. "My name is Dwight, what's yours?" he asked softly, taking in the girl's current state. "y/n. What is this place?" before he could answer the woman who stared at her before stood and walked over to them. "I can handle this one dwight, you just had a match and should rest." she smiled at the man who looked grateful. "Thanks yun-jin." he replied and moved back to his original spot.

They sat on the dead grass near the crackling fire as Yun-jin began explaining what this place was and how the sadistic games they were being made to play work. Y/n nodded along to whatever the woman was saying. taking in the information, her mind still racing with so many questions. "y/n there's something you should know. One of the killers here is j-" but before she could finish her sentence the same black smoke from only a few hours ago had returned, whisking the poor girl away from the camp.

Y/n found herself in a new place. What looked like a run down farm. Old buildings that looked like they would fall into pieces with one touch. Crows scattering the map and a foul smell of rot. She was at the edge of a large corn field, the husks dry and have been dead for quite some time. One of the old buildings was facing her. She heard the whirring of a machine from inside and decided her best bet was to head in that direction. She headed into the decrepit barn, and found a large machine she assumed was one of the generators that yun-jin was talking about. Y/n worked for a while trying to fix the thing but she had never done this before and was finding it rather difficult. She failed and caused a loud bang to sound. she saw someone, an older man with a white beard. "Run or he will get you!" Before she could even react the person was stabbed in the leg with what looked like a throwing knife, a spiked bat swinging and hitting the poor old man in the back, blood spurting from the now open wound in his flesh. She looked at the scene in horror. She looked from the man writhing in pain on the cold dirt and scanned up the one who inflicted the damage. Thick black boots, purple pants, a flowing yellow jacket, and a bare chest only covered with the blood splattered of her fellow teammates. What shocked y/n to the core was the face that stared back at her. She knew that face all too well, those piercing yellow eyes that gazed into her very soul, the smirk he wore that never failed to make her swoon every time she saw it. "Ji-woon?" her hand covered her mouth, her voice shaking in bewilderment as he looked at her in confusion at first before changing to a look full of mixed emotions


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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