Ch 1

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"Osano! Over here!" A young boy with blonde messy hair and sharp yellow eyes yells out.

Said boy he called out to had orange hair with a small ponytail tied to the side of his head, he looked at them and lights up before deciding to run over, letting go of his dad's hand.

"Guys! You're here!" He says excitedly as he slowed down and came face to face with them.

The boy who called out to him crossed his arms and grinned,

"Well yeah, we agreed to meet here dumbass"

"Hey, you know what I mean! Also mind your language idiot!"

"Ahaha~ please don't fight guys"

Another boy, with brown hair and gentle green eyes speaks up, trying to separate his friends who were ready to throw punches at each other.

"Besides, Yan-chan is here. You can't show her violence"

Both boys stop and looks at the only girl in the group, she had short black hair reaching above her shoulders with a tail at the side of her head, and black empty eyes. She was holding a brown teddy bear in her arms, quietly watching them.

"U- Ayano! We were just playing around alright? Violence is never okay!" The yellow head explains. The other just nods firmly, not relying on opening his mouth that could throw 10 insults In less than two sentences in fear of saying something wrong and making things worse.

The girl, Ayano, just stares at them and nods. Both boys heaved a breath of relief. They smile and looked at each other, The yellow head was the first to laugh loudly, followed by the orange head, the brunette giggles, and Ayano smiles a little.

"Hey Osano! Dad said to play together, why'd you leave me behind you punk!"

Their little time was distracted when another girl, with the same orange hair as osano's styled into twin tails came and crossed her arms, glaring at Osano.

"Oh come on Osana! Don't you have other friends to play with? Go play with Taro!"


Ayano stares at her as the pouting girl released her arms and started arguing with her brother about a topic Ayano couldn't care less with.

'cute' she smiles.

"Oi~ Ayano, you there?"

Ayano was brought out of her trance when a hand waves itself in front of her, she looks at the owner and finds Osano frowning at her.


"You haven't been listening to a single word I've said!" He says as he sits back down and leans on the table, resting his cheek on his palm. 

"..sorry" she apologizes because she doesn't know what else to do.

Osano sighs and looks at her with a pointed look,

"You've been staring at my sister ever since we were young" he points out while looking behind him, where his sister was talking with her friend.

Ayano blinks,
"She's cute. Why wouldn't I stare at her?"

Osano's lips form a line as he stares at her, silently asking if she knows what she's saying right now.

Ayano stares back, confusion evident on her face. Osano sighs again and changes the topic.

It's true, Osana was cute that Ayano can't help but stare at her. Ever since she made her appearance when they were young, Ayano couldn't stop thinking about how cute she is.
She's been trying to figure out why, but up to now, she still haven't got her answer so she watches.

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