11. No Longer Fire Moon

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It wasn't long before I drifted back to sleep. I hadn't been able to ponder for very long about my failed transformation, or Jerr, or my new Alpha. My eyes had felt very heavy and the brief amount of sleep I had had before my nightmare had woken me up, had not yet been enough to re-energize.

But my sleep wasn't entirely comfortable. Not with Jerr hiding behind the door to my left. He was constantly in a close proximity, and that gave me a vulnerable and uneasy feeling. Other than his name and the fact that he was a Wise Moon, I didn't know anything about him. The words he had whispered to me before he left kept repeating themselves in an endless loop in my head. Looks like I am someone you should worry about after all. What did he even mean?

I didn't know at what point in my thoughts I fell asleep, but I did. It wasn't very deep, not with my body instinctively staying on guard for any potential danger hiding behind that door, but no nightmares followed me.

No, this time, it wasn't a nightmare at all. It was real.

"You sunburned bitch," was the first thing I heard as I was dragged out of the bed and slammed against the wall

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"You sunburned bitch," was the first thing I heard as I was dragged out of the bed and slammed against the wall. A rush of pain spread across my back, and I felt a strong hand squeeze against my neck, blocking my airways.

My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room fairly quickly. But my scent had also improved, so even if I couldn't see the brown-red eyes staring at me, I would have smelled him instantly.

Beckett smelled ashy and warm, but I knew that warmth could only be found in his scent.

My heart began pounding recklessly at the realization of who was in the room, forcing me against the wall. His other hand pinned me back and blocked my arms, making it difficult for me to squirm my way out.

But I did still try, with everything I had, to get out of his grip. One of my legs went upwards, to a sensitive area I knew would do the most damage, but Beckett had felt my movement before I'd made it and pressed his legs and lower body against mine so hard, I could hardly move. I could feel my skin bruising under the force of his body.

"What game do you think you're playing at, death honoring whore?" he spat at me.

He was so close, I could feel his breath on my face as I struggled to catch my own.

"Huh? That little show you put up out there, how dare you. How fucking dare you!"

I tried to get one of my arms free, to pull his grip on my throat away, but the movement I made, only made Beckett press harder against me, blocking me even more, hurting me.

He laughed at my attempt to release myself from his hold. "You're worthless, Sari. You can't even defend yourself. You know how easy it was for me to come in here and take you out of your bed? It's like you're not even one of us, at all. You're a disgrace to our Moons."

As always, Beckett knew exactly where to strike. But as he squeezed harder, my breathing became even more difficult and ragged and that was the only thing I could focus on, my hands clawing at his punishing grip around my throat.

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