For They Forgot

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The world is falling apart and the vast majority of Americans have forgoten what their Forefathers fought for. They believe that their government has their best intrest at heart and will tke care of them. Government hand outs are at an all time high although the economy is at a all time low. The federal government spend more then they could bring in thinking that they can spend their way out of debt. They increase taxes in hopes that they can continue to spend. They give military surplus equipment to enemies of our country and continue to pay out aid to countries that spout anti american propaganda. Yet the american people ignore the lack of oversight and believe that the government knows best. They have forgot that the governemnt is supose to be for the people BY the people. The american people have lost their way and have forgotten the rights their forefathers fought and died to protect. Willing to trade rights and freedom for saftey. To which they deserve neither. They have voted in their ideal representitives that have now become their jailers that have thrown away the key with an executive order. This story is about those who have lost ther way and are slapped with the reality of all the ideals and rights they have given up.... ((To be continued))

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2013 ⏰

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