a mEeTInG

12 3 0

Ah, a meeting, one of the many things where everything goes *horribly wrong because all these countries who are hundreds to thousands years old act like little brats*
as you see everything is normal, and by normal I mean a living hell.

France and England are fighting over who knows what
Italy being Italy was eating pasta, damnit Italy eat your pasta at home you little shi-
China thinks he's soooo wise by selling probably overdue pastries from whatever century ago.
Prussia is declaring his dang awesomeness.
Hungary being Hungary now has a pan with her.
Austria is now proposing to his piano, he needs help.
Yeah everything is fine

Oh and America gets a phone call, we all know where that's gonna go.
He answers it, it's his boss, OBAMA-
No it's actually that Biden dude. Countries being countries are now eavesdropping because they're nosy little pieces of shit. America, or Alfred is now stone faced. (I'm too lazy to do good accents) "And what was so important that you had to take a phone call in the middle of a meeting?!" Germany, or Ludwig barked. (bitch as if anything got done) "It wasss from my boss, apparently he wants all of you guys to meet my states, one by one. Haha." Alfred replied in a slow voice, laughing at the end nervously. The countries were all "What the fuuuuuuuu-"
"Wait, America what states?" Some country that you don't deserve to know asked. "My states, I'm called the 'United States of America' all 50 of my states are personified. It's called learn your geography people." (Too lazy to add the territories) All countries once again were all like "HOLY SHI-" "Oh and my capital is personified too." Alfred piped in through the silence (even though there wasn't any silence)
So all countries packed their bags, America went home because it's just the countries (unless I randomly add Alfred back)

okay tbc

50 states but better, but still badWhere stories live. Discover now