Day 1: Massachusetts and Pennsylvania

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alright, for some reason I see this two as an duo. I also see Pennsylvania as Massachusetts' mentor. I shall describe these 2 the best I can before we start.

Basically some girl version of Prussia, she is 18 years old and acts as a mentor to Massachusetts. Unlike Prussia she doesn't declare that's she's awesome every second a millisecond. She is dutch and English, idk I don't read history that much. Oh she has red eyes, like I said girl version of Prussia. She wears a button up shirt with a gray jacket on, dark blue pants and red shoes.

She is a brunette who is blind and has a rope tied to her neck, it signifies the Salem witch trials and how the ghosts basically get revenge and scratch her eyes out. Massachusetts looks up to Pennsylvania and doesn't show many emotions, due to an incident with Boston. Massachusetts wears silver military clothing with darker gray pants and brown shoes. Like Austria she plays the piano but doesn't make love to it, she also sings when she has the chance. Massachusetts may be blind but knows her way to the house like the back of her hand.
Okay bye let's start

The countries that exist now
The Italy dudes
Frenchie fry
Thick-brows McAngerissues
Commie no shoes
German with white hair
Grandpa needs life alert
Dude who hates physical touch
Girl with an infinite supply of pans
Guy who loves his piano
And guy who thinks tomatoes are far superior than humans

okay that's all, let's start for real.

The countries arrive at some house, "Is this the right address?" Arthur (iggy thick-brows) asked. "Should be." Spain, or Antonio spoke. "Oh my god you B- stards I'll just go knock at the door and see if it's the right house. Now come on." If you guess who that is I'll give you *FREE R O B U X* All countries gather at the door and Romano knocks on it.

Tbc, I'm lazy RN.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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