the piece of ice.

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Aidan locked the door behind him and began to remove my button up shirt. he pulled down my trousers to reveal my red, lacy, matching set. he laid me flat down on the silk bed and unclipped my bra. next, Aidan grabbed a singular piece of ice which was in a black tinted glass on his bedside table and started to trail it along my collarbone which made a shiver creep down my spine. he trailed it down to my left breast and circled my nipple which made it hard. he did the same to my right breast and started sucking on my nipple while bringing the ice down to my lower stomach, a small whimper escaped my lips. eventually Aidan stopped sucking on my breast and removed my red, lace panties. he forced my legs apart and gently rubbed the ice on my clit which made me moan fairly loudly. the ice made its way down and Aidan slowly slipped the ice inside me.
"oh fuck."
"you like that slut?"
he starts leaving hickeys along my lower stomach which made me moan. i felt the ice melting inside of me, it felt unbelievable. he caressed my waist and hips with his large, veiny hands while he left soft kisses leading from my lower stomach to my neck. before i knew it Aidan plunged his two fingers in me.
"holy shit Aidan."
with his two fingers still being pounded into me, he grabbed a smaller piece of ice and placed it on my clit and made small circles. i was immensely close to finishing. he must have felt my body shake under him.
"don't finish yet darling, you can wait."
those words formed butterflies in my stomach which crept down to my pussy. i saw him remove his grey sweatpants and his black boxers along with them. that was when i saw it.
"holy shit Aidan. it's huge.."
he smirked at my words and grabbed a condom out of the bedside drawer. Aidan ripped it open with his teeth and slipped it on his dick. fuck that was attractive. he slid his dick inside me, and immediately started pounding me deeply. after a few moments he went faster.
"Aidan i-"
"You can take it."
holy shit. my legs began to shake underneath him and my moans became more intense. i turned my head to the side and closed my eyes.
"look at me while i fuck you, whore."
i did what he told me to do. he began to lay some of his weight on me and our naked torsos were touching, i felt the opportunity to grasp his muscular back. i was too close now.
"Aidan. i need to finish i can't hold it."
"beg for me slut."
i haven't begged before, especially not in a sexual way. i'm panicking because i don't know what to do. i'll just have to go with the flow...
"fuck Aidan please let me finish please. i beg you Aidan, please."
"good girl. you can finish for me, my love."
i reached my climax and a few seconds after i felt something warm inside me, he must've came. the feeling was sensational. he slowly pulled out and removed his cum-filled condom and threw it in the bin. he stood up and put his clothes back on and walked out the room. then, he came back with a glass of water and a snack. we cuddled and talked about how amazing it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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