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[At least 5 votes guys? 👉🏻👈🏻]


Both me and my twin looked at the lift side only to see Jimin hyung and Hoseok hyung running towards us. I panicked, thinking did I do something wrong in a while? No. Then why are they shouting? I even missed what they actually said. I stood up as well as Y/N as we both looked at them who were panting heavily.

'What happened oppa?' Y/N said referring to both of them.

'C-come with us! Quickly!' Hoseok hyung dragged her as Jimin hyung dragged me.

The whole cafeteria looked at us as I was confused along with my twin..

'Hyung can you tell me what happened?!' I asked as they dragged us to the common room of 6th floor. Staffs were looking at us as I sighed.

Hopefully, our juniors TXT & ENHYPEN members had To-do and En-o'clock at the same time in the company. So the staff number around us was a little. Still it made me embarrassed. My twin didn't said anything as both hyungs opened the common room's door.

'LOOK!' Jimin hyung whisper yelled as I looked at the direction.


'H-hyung......Do you have to do it?' Namjoon asked.
'Yes! No quickly send me a picture of Y/N's and get out of the room so I can see if I love her as my lover or as my lil sister.'

Namjoon sighed before sending him a picture of her which was captured when they were playing games. Jin then pushed Namjoon away before looking at his phone screen. Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok and Y/N could see the picture since Jin was facing his back.

Namjoon also saw them and stood beside them before looking at Jin's back. Jin sighed before he closed the distance between him and his phone. Y/N shyly looked away as she said,

'Oppa! I-I can't watch this!' She whispered.
'Ewww! This is the second time Jin hyung is kissing in front of us!' Hoseok said as he scrunched his nose.
'Huh! Second?' Namjoon asked confusedly.
'Sorry, not second but fourth time!' Jimin corrected.
'Oh yeah I forgot those two times!' Hoseok claimed.
'Am I the only  is confused? Jungkook do you know what they are talking about?! Namjoon asked frustratedly.

'They are talking about Blood sweat & Tears era hyung/oppa.' Both Jungkook and Y/N said at the same time making Hoseok and Jimin laugh at them as Namjoon finally sighed after knowing why.

'Look look look! It's happening!' Jimin chimed.
'Oppa, don't say like this, it makes me feel like you guys are watching real kiss!' She pouted.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around her making her feel secured as they saw Jin's lips and his phone's screen only an inch part. All of them held their breaths as they look at Jin attentively.
Jin moves more closer to his screen where he zoomed Y/N's lips. Even he knew this is a silly thing told by Y/N yet he decided to test this silly thing. When he was only a millimeter away, he suddenly backed away. Sighing he cleared his throat making the other guys jump as they thought they were caught by Jin.

But Jin was in a whole dilemma himself. He again tried but again stopped. He looked at her innocent smile before again trying to kiss her lips on the screen.

'F*CK!!' Jin shouted as he stood up from his chair as the chair fell down because of the force. The guys and Y/N flinched as they hide themselves quickly.

Jin run his hand through his hairs as he brush them to one side before sighing heavily. Again he couldn't do it. He tried more than 5 times.

'That......that means, I.........I don't like her as a woman?! Oh god how can I mess up with my feelings! I even created distance between me and the other boys! Especially my mate Yoongi! He was the only one whom I shared everything. From room to my problems beside Jimin! How could I do this!'
They looked again as they saw Jin sitting in the couch while doing something in his phone. They quietly started to go out of the room when Hoseok said that it is better to give Jin sometime to figure out his feelings and they already has invented his privacy no matter how close they are.
Jin quickly deleted the picture Namjoon had sent him earlier as he thought about Y/N. 'Do I really like her as a sister or as a woman?' He thought as he felt a lot of things inside his WWH head.

'No! I need to think about these things later! I have already wasted a lot of time in this! But I have to figure this out till tomorrow morning and say to Y/N, Jungkook other guys and Yoongi.'

Jin quickly walked out of the room as he head towards the live stream room. He now needed a big distraction which only ARMYs can provide to him. His Mario Cart also won't be able to distract him too much. He knew he won't finish the VLIVE soon once he starts it so he quickly called manager Sejin and let him knew that he is going to do vlive.

Jin asked some staffs to take his delivery which he ordered a while ago. He was thinking to do Eat Jin show. He then sat on the chair and then started the live stream.

'Oh, 1 million in 5 minutes? We broke the record ARMY!' He said.
'Well hello everyone this is World Wide Handsome Jin of BTS and today I will be doing Eat Jin! Yayyyyy......oh!.........Our food has came too!'

The staff member put the foods in to the table from the behind of the camera so that their face won't be seen. Jin then arranged the foods.

'Well, let's see the comments.......oh Jungkook and Y/N?......Well those tiny yet intelligent bunnies are now bonding their sibling bond with their older brother. We were playin games yesterday. You guys won't believe it! Y/N DEFEATED JUNGKOOK!' Jin did a turn on his chair like a proud brother or father as he looked at the screen again.

'Well, I guess Y/N is better than our bunny. She played so well! If she practices like Jungkook does then she surely will defeat him every Time! I am so proud of my lil sis-..........'

Jin stopped. He didn't intend to call Y/N his sis or lover but it slipped out of his mouth. So at the end, he knew that somewhere in his heart, he thought Y/N as his lil sis. Being froze for a quite second, suddenly Jin snapped when a staff came to check on him. Usually the staffs would also watch the vlive to maintain the harsh comments and also to see if the idol needs anything or if some unusual things are seen like their new album, music producing things or their laptop etc. even though the idols are careful too.

'Uh.....hahhahahahaha, I was trying to prank you guys by being froze! No need to worry. So as I was saying, I am proud of my lil sister! Even though she is Jungkook's twin, I will be the one to teach her everything she needs since I am the eldest one and the best hyung or oppa!' Jin ruffled his hair and patted his own shoulder like a proud hyung before started to eat and talk with his fans.....
Jin laid on his pillow as he looked at his right side only to see Yoongi asleep. Yoongi was ignoring him or so her thought. But so he did too. Yet, Jin couldn't bear the change between him and the others specially his roommate as he thought about the decision he took. At first he will talk with Yoongi and will tell him that he has no romantic feelings for Y/N and will tell Yoongi to ask her out.

Then he will apologize to Y/N for being confused at his own feelings. At last he will tell the boys and Pd nim.

'Tomorrow the first things I will be doing is to tell you that I love Y/N as my own sister, Yoongi. I promise I will bring us back like what we used to be. Dumb buddies......


T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now