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It was late one Tuesday night, the moon was full, it was big and spectacular as always. The stars only complemented it for they were small and only twinkled in the distant past. The light of the moon shined through the curtains of a bedroom owned by a young boy no older than ten in a navy blue pajamas with gold trimming. His name was Tyler Green, his brown hair reached the tip of his earlobe and his bangs covered his forehead. He had a light complection with forest green eyes. He was 4'10 1/2 but his queen size bed dwarfed him. He was covered by dark blue sheets and held a light brown teddy bear with black button eyes. He was awoken from his deep sleep by his father running to the front door to answer it. Tyler rubbed his eyes and slowly got up, cracking open his bedroom door.

"N-no please don't take him, he's our only child! He won't survive out there!" His father yelled as he grabbed one of three armored officers in vests and gas masks.

"I'm sorry sir but you and your wife are too old to be fighting and the law states that children over the age of eight have to serve the government." The man pushed his father down onto his chair and marched down the hallway with his men.

"Run Tyler Run!" His parents said as the three soldiers drew near his bedroom . The boy grew wide eyed and grabbed his school book from his desk and chucked it at the window, breaking it. He jumped out of it and fell on to the wet grass and sprinted to the fence, jumping over it. He heard the officers heavy boots stomp closer towards him. Tyler toke the wrong turn and was caught by his perpetrators moments later.
One the other side of town a young girl by the name of Michelle was being cased by two Officers as well. She was homeless and lived between an apartment complex and a Chinese buffet. She had light brown hair with purple bangs and brown, almost golden, eyes. She was 4'9.
She wore a simple purple t-shirt and jeans with worn tennis shoes. She was tackled by one of the cops and tossed into the police cruiser. The nine year old wasn't scared, she knew she would be caught someday. At Fort Henry Child Institution, the two children were tossed into a huge court yard with other confused children.

"Welcome to Fort Henry children. You all have been taken here to be trained for war to end all wars. You are now enrolled in school here to be educated as well as being trained. Keep in mind that you are all prisoners and will be treated as such. Those who wish to rebel will receive consequences. Enjoy your stay." Said a man over the speakers lined across the walls of the court yard. The officers carried electric batons and herded the children to holding cells. Tyler was placed in cell 68-B with two boys name Ken and Felix. Michelle was placed on the other side in cell 8-B with two girls called Krism and Lizzie. For some reason when they were locked in their cells the found themselves starring at one another. For a while they did break their gaze until the guards made them go to bed and shut off the lights. The next morning at 6 am they were awoken by the banging of batons hitting their cell bars. The guards gave them all orange prison clothes that had their number on it. The guards said that that would be the number they would be referred to as until they were sent to war. Michelle's number was 1391424 and Tyler's number was 3182500. They were told to report to the classrooms on the other side of the prison. Since the classes they were taking children with digits 00-35 they had the same schedule due to their last two digits.

Breakfast 6:30 am-7 am
1st period: Math with Mrs.Jenson 7 am-10 am
2nd period: English with Mr.Rogers 10:10 am-1:40 pm
Lunch 12 pm- 12:30 pm
3rd period: Science with Dr.Sorensen 1:50 pm-4:50 pm.
4th period: Physical Training with Sergeant Baker 5 pm-8:30 pm
Dinner 6 pm-6:30 pm
Homework period 8:40 pm-10:20 pm
Bed time at 10:30

The classroom was a place where you couldn't speak unless you are asking a question or you are answering one. The only time you could talk freely was at the eating periods and or study period if allowed. At breakfast the first day Michelle and Tyler sat with each other.

"Hello I'm Tyler but you can call me Cry." Cry said as with a small smile.

"Hi my name is Michelle but refer to me as Minx." She looked at her feet and asked.

"Why were you looking at me?" She asked as she turned to face him.

"I could ask you the same question but I just don't know why."

"Do you know when we will get released?"

"I don't think we will."

"Why is that?"

"The government wants us to fight for them. They wouldn't be asking kids to fight for them if they weren't desperate. "

"That's true. Can I see your schedule? " She asked as she leaned towards him and pointed at the paper he held in his hand.

"Sure...let's see if we have the same classes. " They both smiled when they saw that they were going to be in the same classes.

"I'm glad I meet you, your the only person I got." Cry said as he smiled at Minx. She was a little taken back by what he said but nevertheless went along with it.

"Yeah me too."
The first day wasn't easy, the teachers made them work hard and long. They weren't bad teachers, just very strict. The sergeant on the other hand was far from fair and helpful. He made them run laps, do push ups, sit ups, and boxing. He only had one rule.

You can do whatever you want except piss me off.

After a long tiring day the children went to bed and would have to repeat this for the rest of their sentence. But before they went to their own respective cell to sleep, the had a small conversation.

"Do you think we'll make it? It's only going to get harder and I could barely hold my own out there." Minx stated as they both slowly walked to their cells.

"If we try and stick together I'm sure we'll be fine." Cry said trying to reassure his new friend.

"You got my back I got yours?"

"Exactly. We also have to be smart about living here, we can't start anything got it?"

"Got it." She turned and hugged him.

"Good night Cry." He slowly wrapped his arms around her hesitantly.

"Good night Minx."

Author's Note

Kinda a short chapter but this was more of a prologue than a actually chapter so please forgive me! Anyways I'll probably post the next chapter of 'What Would YouTube Think.' tommarow or Thursday. FYI another book is going to come out called Chemical M° and it's the MarkiMinx story! It might be posted Sunday night so look out! Bye~~

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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