Chapter 11:I'm Fucking Crazy, But You're The One Who Made Me.

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"Austin stop, Alan knock it off. Phil shut up. TINO PUT HIM DOWN!" All morning I've been trying to do the morning routine but the boys will not leave. Austin and Alan keep throwing diapers and toys at each other, Phil wont stop screaming god knows what and Phil wont put Robert down. "I GIVE UP." I throw everything i had in my hands on the ground and walk out of the bus. I was not up for this. I slammed the door shut and headed towards Breathe Carolina's bus.

I knocked a few times before David finally answered. "SEXY MAMA'S ON THE BUS!" David screams as he pulls me into the bus. Not them too. I sigh and run my hand through my hair. "WOOOO LET US PARTY!" Kyle yells. "Please stop screaming." I bark. David and Kyle stop and look at me. "Somebodies pmsing." I roll my eyes and smack them both. "No actually the boys just annoyed the shit out of me." David laughs loudly. I sigh and sit on the couch beside Kyle. "Cheer up." Kyle pushes me over playfully. I smile and push him back. "We're only-"."GETTING STARTED. I WONT BLACKOUT!" I scream over David's voice. He laughs and shakes his head. "There's our girl." I laugh and slap him playfully.

After awhile I decided to leave David and Kyle, well that and because they had a set to play. I made my way back to the bus to hear screaming. What the fuck? I run on the bus to see Alan and Phil dancing like maniacs. Alan standing with one foot on the counter and the other on the stove. Phil standing on the couch. Music was blasting, where the fuck is Robert? I push past the guys and walk to the back lounge. "WHERE'S ROBERT!" I scream. I storm into the front lounge to see a very drunk Alan giving a very drunk Austin, a lap dance. "With Vic and Kellin." Aaron says. I sigh in relief and sit beside Aaron. "What the fuck is going on?" I mumble as I run my hands through my hair.

Everybody was drunk except for me. I was still sitting on the couch, but by myself this time because all the guys were jumping around and screaming along with the music. "MEOW!" Alan shouts. I laugh and shake my head. He comes over to me and sits on my lap. "Get your drunk fat ass off of me." I yell. He pretends to be hurt and starts giving me a lap dance. "ALAN GET OFF OF ME BEFORE I SAC YOU." I scream. He stops and gets up and walks over to Austin. I laugh and turn my attention over to Phil and Tino who are grinding on Aaron. Sometimes I think these guys are gay. Out of the corner of my eye I see Alan sitting on Austin's lap with his legs wrapped around his waist. I turn my gaze to them to see them making out. What the fuck?

Austin and Alan vanished into the bunk area over an hour ago and now I was scared. I got up and headed to the back to hear moans. I get closer to Austin and I's bunk and the moans get louder. I pull the curtain open to see Alan and Austin doing what Kellin and Vic should be doing. I gasp and back away hitting my back off of the other bunk behind me. "Zundra, omg. It isn't what it looks like. Uhm.. fuck." Austin pushes Alan off of him and gets up and puts his clothes on. I take the chance and run. I headed towards the front and immediately made a be-line to the door. Once I was outside and the door was shut I broke down crying.

"Zundra, oh god. I'm so sorry. We were drunk." Austin closes the door behind him and sits beside me. My body racks forward from the sobs that I can no longer control. "Zundra calm down, please?" I shake my head. "YOU'RE ALWAYS DRUNK! ALWAYS FUCKING ALAN WHEN YOU GUYS ARE DRUNK!" I scream a little to loudly. "Zundra, I'm sorry. I just- I, I can't really. It's just. ugh." He stops talking and runs his hands through his hair. He wraps his arms around me and tried to comfort me, but the last thing I want was for him to touch me. I try to shake him off but he just holds me tighter.

"STOP YELLING!" Austin screams at me. "NO I WONT STOP YELLING! I DON'T WANT YOU NEAR ME!" I yell. Austin throws his arms in the air and drops them in frustration. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT? YOU'RE ACTING CRAZY NOW!" I look at him. Is he serious? "I AM FUCKING CRAZY BUT FOR GOD SAKES YOU'RE THE ONE WHO FUCKING MADE ME!" I scream. His mouth drops open and he looks at me. Tears start streaming down my face again. "All I want is for my fiancee to be here for me, to not fuck his best friend because last time I check that's considered cheating.-"."Oh because you know so much about cheating! Who else have you cheated on me with?" Austin cuts me off. I laugh loudly. "Oh, so that's what you want, for me to say I fucked somebody else so you can think it's okay to fuck Alan! NEWS FUCKING FLASH AUSTIN, I HAVEN'T FUCKED ANYONE! YOU WERE THE LAST PERSON I FUCKED!" I scream.

I was so sick of this happening all the time. I stormed off more than an hour ago and decided to sleep on my bus, with my band and my own child. I sighed and laid Robert in the bunk, I climbed in after so that he was against the wall and so I didn't have to worry about him rolling out of the bunk. He was finally sleeping. I decided to check my phone only to be bombarded with over 50 calls from Austin and 30 from Alan.

Alan Ashby:

Come back Zundra, we have to talk.

Alan Ashby:

Seriously, things got out of hand. We were drunk.

Austin Carlile:

Baby, please come back, I'm so sorry. Please!

Austin Carlile:

Just, I guess you wont answer so please just come back when you're calm and ready to talk. I love you.

Vic Fuentes:

Shit went down aye? Well I just wanted to let you know we can always watch Robert if you and Austin need to talk. From Kellin and I.

I smiled at Vic's text but decided to text none of them back. I needed sleep, time to think. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I was exhausted from all the crying and screaming.  I kissed Robert's head then closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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