Why her?

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"Honey, look how pretty the stars are!"
"Yeah, mommy ,i can see!"
The teacher was explaining something,but i really couldn't care less,the only thing i could think of is in how long I'm going to be out of here
"So then you.....y/n,are you listening?
"Then what is the answer?'
"Umm...s-seven?"I stutter.The whole class starts laughing
"Not even close!y/n, you're not in maths class, you are in biology!Get yourself together!"The teacher couldn't say another word,because the bell rang."Okay,you guys don't have any homework today,you're free to leave."

I slowly pack my things and walk out of class,I'm really glad my mother is doing much better,You see,She has been in the hospital for the longest time because of cancer,I am an only child and my father left us after my mom got weak and lost her job,he is dead to me.
I feel my gut telling me something as I walk into the hospital.I check in,and then i hurry to my mothers room,with the fear that something might have happened.I slam the door open and i gasp at the sight before me,my worst fear has come true,my mother was on her bed,she was laying still,like a doll,like she was stoned,a few nurses stood beside her and gave me a look full of pity.
"W-what happened,I thought she was getting better?"I say as my voice begins to break
"Well she was,but you see...your mother had a cardiac arrest and died,I'm sorry"
I drop to the floor,sobbing.The nurses apologized again and brought me outside,it was raining,but i didn't care anymore ,the only person that has ever shown me love,care and support is now gone....gone like the stars in the morning.
I walk with my head down,phone in pocket,my School bag on my left shoulder,I was deep in my thoughts as i bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry,did i hurt you?"I hear a soft masculine voice saying.I didn't even bother to look up,i just left,but that person grabbed my arm,I finally look up,preparing to yell at them,but,instead, i froze.The person standing in front of me is a male,around my age,with shining blonde hair,blue eyes,like the sea and with a woried frown on his face.
"Are you okay?"He says,smilling slightly.
I dont respond,I just stare at him,as i felt my face fire up,I looked away.
"Yeah,I'm fine"I felt relieved that i didn't stutter.
The stranger then lets go of my hand and smiles at me.
"I'm Armin,and you are....?"
"Y/n,n-nice to meet you"I try to smile.
Armin,as he said his name was waves me goodbye,and then walks away.
I stare at the direction he went for a little while and then i continue my walk home,in sorrow.How am i going to pay for my mothers funeral?My part time job was definetly not enough,i'm just a highschool student after all.....and to think this wouldn't have happened if dad didn't leave..fuck you dad.
I get home,i don't even bother to wash my hands i just go lay on my bed,i fell asleep almost instantly.
I get up at nine o'clock,and then i realise i didn't even change last night,pft it's not like I care anyway.I walk out the front door,but just then i realise it's saturday,great.
I slowly go back to my bedroom so i can change my soaking wet clothes from walking in the rain last night,I look into the mirror and I see just a shell of a person,no emotion,I kind of feel some pity for myself,i wonder,will my life ever get better?...

I'm so sorry this chapter is not the Best and it's so short,i will try better:)

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