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Billie awoke to the sound of a shrieking alarm clock, his eyes rolled over to death stare it. He slammed his hand down onto the top painfully. The start of school, once more back to hell he went. He grasped for his phone, and unlocked it too Kirby's text messages. "Hey what class are you in? I'll meet you near the F Block lockers, m'kay?" Billie hauled himself out of bed. He quickly dressed into his restricting uniform and dashed off to school.

He rushed past an old man smoking a ciggy and into the school gates. He quickly mapped his way around scanning for the F Block, "Aha!" He dashed over where Ash, Ajax, Eve and Kirby were gathered. "Hey Billi-" "Could you please move over a little, I need to access my locker, apologies." A blonde haired girl interjected. She stood tall, in skinny jeans and a black spaghetti strap. Billie's eyes searched her up and down, a flame awoke in him. Who was this pretty girl? Willingly, he stepped aside. "Oh Billie, you're locker is right here too!" Ash whispered. He stared over to where Ash's finger was directed. Towards the Blonde. He reluctantly side-stepped over to her side reaching for his locker. The bell shrieked symbolising the first period had begun.

                                                                                       -Period 1-

Billie followed Kirby to the direction of their first class, the Blonde tagging along somewhere in the mix. The first class they had was Humanities. The class dawdled inside and sprawled themselves across the tables. Billie couldn't care less of his seating position, so he just relaxed next to Kirby for the fast half of the class. Mrs. Jam Jam handed them out a worksheet which primarily focused on the purposes of water. Billie glanced over to his side, the blonde sitting. She bit the end of her pen in concentration and tucked a wavy blonde strand of hair behind her round ears. "Uhm, pardon me." Billie stammered, "What's your name?" Her ocean blue eyes interlocked with his, she stared at him with a warm smile. "Jean Guhnhildr, but please call me Jean!" "Billie" He smiled back, his heart filled with content, that flame; burning ever so brightly. A soft crimson creeped across his face, he was utterly distracted by such beauty.

                                                                              -Timeskip to Lunch!-

Billie sat awaiting his friends to return from the other classes, he peacefully traced his fingers along the fine crafts-work of the table. "P-Pardon me!" A soft yet familiar voice uttered.

                                                                                  -Jeans POV-

I stared at him, enthralled in his beauty, "May I sit here, Billie-Kun?" I hastily blurted out. I felt heat burn up all over my face. "Sure." He didn't look up and kept tracing the intricate patterns. I almost collapsed onto him from anxiety. I barely knew him yet he was so.... Jean! I snapped myself out of his trance.  "So... What classes do you have?"

Billie JeanWhere stories live. Discover now