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POV. Rachel

"Slut, piece of shit, ungrateful disgusting little bitch!" Dad yells.
"AND NOW YOU WANNA CRY? GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP!" He yells as I lay on the ground crying and bleeding.
I trie to get up but as soon as I stand he raises his hand and hits me in the face.

I wake up breathing heavily.
It was just a dream rach it was just a dream! I tell myself.
I mean it was just a dream but everything I dream every night actually happened once.

All the terrible moments I had in my life I have to go through again and again.
The nightmares won't stop.

"Good morning!" The high pitched voice from miss Andra yells from outside the door.
"Rachel, get up its visitors day!" She says banging on my door.
"Yeah I'm coming!" I say so she will stop annoying me.

I hear her go away. Finally.
Actually I won't get up.
I never have on visitors day!
I've had nothing but bad experiences with family and I never want to have one again.
I don't want to build my hopes up again just to be disappointed again.
If you expect disappointment you won't get disappointed.

The pain of being betrayed, abused, raped or left alone is just to big!
I've had to much of it to bare another hit in the face!

One hour goes by and I start to get hungry.
But I don't want to eat.
Because when I look into the mirror all I see is how ugly and fat I am.
And I want one single thing in my life that I like.
And I would like that to be myself so I'm working on it!
Honestly I know it's not healthy but I don't care.
It feels good to be in control.
And it feels bad to eat.
So why should I eat?

"RACHEL! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE NOW!" Miss Andra yells angry from down stairs.
I guess I don't have a choice.
I strip over an oversized hoodie that covers my arms and walk down the stairs.


"I'm sorry she never comes down these days!" She says rolling her eyes.
Zendaya and I look at each other confused.

We asked her about Rachel because we saw her profile on the website and then that followed.
That kid must be stubborn so that someone needs to yell at her like that!

Now someone walks down the stairs.
"I'm sorry miss Andra but I really don't want to meet anyone!" A girl I think is Rachel says walking in.
"We'll you don't have a choice! " the woman I now know her name is Andra says pointing at us.
"I'm gonna leave you so you can meet each other." She says and walks out.

"Hey I'm zendaya your Rachel right?" Z says walking towards Rachel.
She nods.
Nothing more.
"This is Tom and we would like to maybe get to know you a bit!" Z says smiling at Rachel.

"Hey Rachel I'm Tom!" I say.
"Yeah I gathered that much!" Rachel says sarcastic.
Wow she's bold.
But in some way I like that!
"So why don't you wanna meet anyone?" I ask her.
"Because I don't want a family!" She says sitting down on the chair in front of the couch z and I are sitting on.
"But why?" Z asks her confused.
"Because I don't want to be hurt again!" She says straight ahead.
"No one is gonna hurt you!" I say.
"How do you know? You know nothing about me! Or what people are capable of!" She says already angry.
"Hey Im a bit older then you I know what people are capable of!" I say not angry but a bit confused about her being so mean.
"Oh ok! Good then you should know why I don't want a family! Mister smartass." She says.
"Woooh calm down! He was just asking you something!" Zendaya says stepping in now.
"We'll I'm not really in the mood for questions! Can I go now? Thank you!" She says.
She doesn't wait for an answer but walk out of the room.

Finally a family? (Tomdayas daughter) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now