▪︎■ 09 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Ainara Moreno ■▪︎

After trying to wake Miguel up for solid twenty minutes, we finally arrived at the meeting. Late, but at least we were there.

The men stared at each other, some of them had their arms crossed and just watched suspiciously. But that's exactly what I expected from my most trusted men, so... so far so good. The room was big enough for all of us. In the middle was a big table that formed an oval with two seats at the head, for me and Mr. Bianchi. Everyone could see the others with this constellation.

The men went to their seats, but didn't sit down just now, they waited for Mr. Bianchi and me to take our seats first. He entered the room and nodded towards nobody in general. Like always, he looked like perfection.

Can't relate with the duty of being a mother I guess. Nah, I'm hot...
Could I just focus, please! And that's on sleep deprivation for... Yeah, too long.

I didn't even realise that I still stood before my seat while they all waited so that they could sit, too. My head shook lightly; the pathetic attempt to somehow erase the tiredness. I sat down and corrected my posture after I immediately slid to the edge of the seat, not touching the chair with my back anymore. This would keep me from falling asleep until I got my coffee.

"As you all know..."

I couldn't even follow his speech, but I was sure it was digustingly motivating and calculated through and through.

Long story short; we introduced ourselves to each other and talked about all the questions they had. The only part we left out was the fact, that we were suspecting a mole, and that we were on a hunt. When we made a little break, I almost sprinted to the coffee machine outside in the room next to ours and filled the cup with a few- a lot of- espressi.

I gulped down the bitter liquid and felt myself getting the caffein kick I needed.

A man stood at the machine beside mine and was struggling.

"Try the button on the right and then the one for your drink," I said.

It was Philipe, scratching his neck, slightly embarassed when the machine poured out his coffee.

"Thank you."

I yawned and waved it off.

"Did Mikael call already? I overheard a scentence when you and Mr. Bianchi talked and said goodbye..."

I looked at him, now having my full attention. I never said his name during the few minutes that he was there. And definitely not anywhere else. But I played it off. I shrugged my shoulders and took a gulp from my cup. That explained the excuse with the- like he called it- "emergency" phone call, that basically consisted out of a mainly irrelevant question. My gut told me I had my traidor, but there was no need to show him that I knew. For now.

"Sure, I remember you brought me the phone. The dealer really was a pain in my ass..." I took another gulp. "Unfortunately he hasn't called, yet."

He nodded and smiled nervously before he got back to the meeting room. I discretly made sure of it, by standing in a corner of the hallway. Suddenly, I heard some low voices with Italian accents and a few seconds later I could see them. I narrowed my eyes at them.

"Why would I follow a woman? She's hot though, maybe I would fuck her and show her who's in charge here..." They laughed and the other answered: "Right, you can see she likes it dirty..."

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