The Encounter

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An entire sunny, but a bit windy, Sunday morning I've spent on a green, spacious, and for what felt to me, enormous meadow. Where all I could do is lay down, think about my Past? Mistakes? Future? Present? Or, just lay down, relax, and forget everything existed for a while, just a little while. Reaching out from the depths of my soul for a desprate break.

But the meadow, a meadow green as the earliest apples to be grown on a tree, fresh as the northern wind in a cool, spring's breeze. The wind  swinging the trees, and acting like my own, customized blanket I couldn't imagine any better. Song of the beautfiul, tiny, dwarfy birds harmonized  in my ears like a sweet lullaby I used to listen in my childhood. The amazing, and for what meant to me, perfect  memories crept in, relaxing me and melting me down with the emerald green the meadow was flushed with. Can the day start any better?

The though of a walk through the woods flashed through my mind and brain, giving an explicit oppurtunity to get my body moving and flowing through the breeze and the heart-warming chills this place gave me. Normally, the woods were filled  with animals, but, creeping in it, squinting my eyes, I realized that it was almost like a desert. Not many of my animal friends, the ones that just paced around my legs squiking and chirping whenever I  visited the woods, were  there to run and sing. And, some that were left, would just flash with the blink of an eye through the tall gras and huge amount of wood's moss infront of me. 'What could today's event be?' , I though to myself, as my heart started to pace a bit faster then it had while I melted down earlier, melted at the touch of secureness and reasurrence in the meadow.

 I started walking, walking in deeper, and deeper  into the tall wood's grass, getting the glimpse of couriosty in my brain I could, somewhat, feel . Out of nowhere, a flock of birds dashed in front of me, my eyes and  my nose, they just, spawned there? I surely could have seen them while I kept a steady eye on my surroundings. Weirded out, and somewhat scared of today's games that the nature prepared to hold, I stepped up my walking game and went in deeper, and deeper, and deeper...

My thoughts at this point getting lost, the feeling of peace? relaxation? safeness? gone. I asked myself how, when and most importantly, why? Thinking of an answer, the correct answer,going back and fouth, asking myself the same questions, going into what felt like a never-ending loop hole, I lost my track of walking and my mind starts spinning around, I could feel it and I have known it.

Blackness. I could't see a pin in front of me. Black. GloomyDark in the middle of what you have known by now, 'perfect day' , that seemed to go downhill from this moment,  and afterwards... A white, bright, strong light hit my face, my eyes, my soul I could feel. 'This can't be the Sun's light, that would gently brush over my skin and hair, grooming it, this is something else, something awful!' I said almost whispering, scared something would just, catch me.... My eye spotted small, round-shaped floating aircrafts thrown in the sky in the height of pine trees. But, my mind seeing them would enlarger their height to some extraordinary heights, which made me feel dizzy, like this was not something to get alive through. 'Shake off that now, focus!', i scolded at myself. While they, almost gracfeully, were landing I held a debate with my own mind and brain.

 Should I 'flutter' from here like a tiny, invisible butterfly? or quietly, almost insesibly get closer to those aircrafts, or, should I say, alien spacecrafts.Curiosty wouldn't leave my side, so I stayed, with the hope of returning .They finally landed, one after the other, and then I saw them, trying to believe my eyes and wanting this to be a fairytale I got too melted into. They were, just as described, green, but not that emerald cozy green I had felt earlier. Their head was the exact shape of an upside-down letter V. They were, carrying something? It was, sort of a small lightsaber, which, in this situation, meant nothing good to me. Next thing I heard, or better say felt shiver through my veins, were their words, their language wich terrified me, trust me it is even worse then some enchanting table stuff. They crept closer, and closer, coming for me everytime I inhaled oxygen green leaves were leaving for me.

Staring blindly at the aliens coming to surround me, I didn't even bother to spot a mysterious, blue light forming up stronger, and whiter behind their backs, causing their shadows to corrupt me. Behind them, a grown, big, tall and strong alien was standing vastly. Approaching me, their stomps were louder and harder like some kind of .army, was passing through, a green ant army, causing me to panick even more, and my mind to shake as if giving me a warning, a big warning. Finally, turning away from them rashly, I heard them all let out a small and quick squeek, but a squeek not so joyful nor playful. 'I've got to outrun  them!' I screamed as a terrified voice came from my mouth.

I entered the deepest woods running, the ones I never had the guts or will to explore...                    At the corner of my eye, I spotted a flock of aliens running vigorously behind my shaky steps as I felt energy fading out of my muscles. My heart started to beat over the roof, and of what I could feel, skip a beat or two, like it would bust out any moment now. The wind came and toppled with it's biggest strenght, everyting that would come in it's way.  Nature was trembling.

That one place I could call my other, or really my only home where I felt peace, joy, safeness and happines all at the same time. The place that could finally unpuzzle my soul and mind for a while, letting me relax, and melt within it's comforting hug I felt it give me. It was all trebling, shaking, falling with every blink of an eye I took. And it was happening right before me, before my bare eyes.

'Start running in different lines', I though to myself. My brain already collapsing in it's own system and my sould tiredly trying to back it up, and back up my whole self giving me sort of hope in all of this chaos. Dizzines, circles, loops, infinity. Before I knew it, I had fallen into the deep depths of the woods grass. Not feeling a single beat in my body for a tiny moment.

 And then, everything shined so bright in my surroundings and blinded me as I couldn't think for a moment. I opened my heavy, helpless eyes just to exclaim: 'Light!'.

Light that surrounded me. There was no forest, no spacecrafts  and certainly, no alien flock

My heart started regaining control over it's beat, just like my soul and mind over my whole body system. Then, I finally realized it...

'It was all a dream.'     

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