1. Plays

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Adore's POV:
  "Make sure you come back before five. We have guests, okay?" My mom said. "Surely will. Later." I said as I walked out. I was headed to the park, since the school day had concluded.
  Mom and Dad wanted me to take in a "productive" hobby, so I picked up on archery. I may be twelve but I will forever be ahead of kids my age. At least I'd love to think so.
So there I was, on my way to the park with my bow and arrows. The park has an archery section that literally no one uses. No one except me. The only bad thing is, it's next to the basketball court.
  The basketballs never cross, but the noise can distract you. Trust me.
  "Okay. Let's start setting it up." I spoke to myself. "Start setting what up?" I heard someone say next to me. "Jesus!" I screeched as I jumped a bit.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." The boy apologized as he lend a hand. "I thought I was alone." I said as I took his hand and regained balance.
"I was just curious as to why you came in here. Or like... What's in here." He said looking around. "It's an archery field. Very fun actually." I said as I started moving the targets.
"I assume you will not be joining?" I suggested. "Not really. I came to play basketball." He said as he spun the ball on his index finger. Great. Basketball. Next to archery.
  "Well, then hop to it. I have a meet next week and I need to practice." I said ushering him away. "Yeah, nice to meet you too." He sarcastically replied.
  "I'm sorry. Where are my manners?" I scolded myself before making my introduction."I'm Adore Park. Nice to meet you. I live two blocks away from here. And you?" I spoke. "I'm Yoongi Min. I just moved here, actually." He said with a chuckle.
"Well, I'll leave you to it." He said before finally leaving. The boy was even considerate enough to play on the other side of the court. Wow.
  "First of three." I spoke to myself as I aimed at the target. I count down in my head and shoot. "Bullseye." I say. Just then, I hear a swish meaning someone made the shot at the courts. And we can all guess you it was. Yoongi.
I smile briefly before going back to practice and sure enough, I make all my shots. It was pretty easy. For someone who's been doing this for two years now.
  "Three nine's, one eight and six tens. Not bad. Not bad." I speak to myself as I fetch my arrows and put them in their pouch. "Hey." I hear the familiar voice call. "Yes?" I reply as I set another sheet up.
"I'm leaving in like twenty. Would you like for me to walk you home?" He asked as he rested against the fenced net. Truly, he was a tad bit handsome but I won't let him know.
"What for?" I said before shooting another ten. "Damn you're good." He said. I smiled and waited for a response. "It's starting to get a bit dark and I don't feel okay knowing you'll go home alone." He said as he played with the ball once more. 
  "I'll make you a deal." I said before shooting. Again; A ten. "I'm listening." He said putting the ball down. "If you can make two three's, I'll let you walk me home." I said. "That's it? Consider it done." He said with a proud smile as he started walking away. I shrugged and proceeded to carry on with my routine.
    Shooting tens was definitely a gift from above because I remember my coach telling me I was in varsity and not junior varsity. Eights and nines were easy, but striving for perfection and tens was definitely a priority now. How could I allegedly be so good yet have no trophies? Now that's just pure crap. 
   Somehow, it bothered me so much. However, I had learned to turn it into drive and concentration. And... It worked. Shot eight tens and two nines. Very well done. "You ready?" Yoongi called out. "Yeah. Give me a quick second." I said as I plucked my arrows out of the hay stack. I took my sheets and proceeded to head out of the archery field. 
  "Are you ready to see me shoot?" He asked as he jumped around with his gummy smile. "Yeah. Go on, ball boy." I said as I shooed him away and into the court with a smile. "Okay, here we go." He spoke. He prepared and looked back at me before turning back to the net. He shot and... "Let's go!" He happily proclaimed.
  "Don't get too excited. You're still missing one." I said with a small laugh. "No problem." He said facing me and shooting the ball backwards. One would think he didn't make it, but in fact, he did.
  "So, which way is your house?" He said with a smile.

Little did I know that would be the start of a beautiful bond.

Been WAITING to publish this one jskjfsj- Ash:):

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