Fighting Bears and Calling Dibs

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Soooo this'll be my 2nd fan fic on heree! Be sure to check out my other one They Don't Know About Us and give me some feedback on this one too!!

I give one last glance at the vacant parking lot before slipping into the back storage room. This has been my hideaway for almost 3 years now, ever since my Dad decided to pack up shop in the city and ship us both out here to the middle of nowhere. I will admit now though, the middle of nowhere did have its perks.

Like how I got to "reinvent" myself. I began online shopping as my stress reliever and by the time school started I'd made 0 friends. Yes, yes, my dad was just so proud. Anywho, somehow I'd managed to climb highschool's treachouros social ladder to little miss golden girl.

I wasn't perfect but they worshipped me and my city talk as if God had sent me down to them himself saying, "Go, follow her, she doesn't know what's going on so just smile politely, nod, and let her rule the campus." Hah, if only.

No, I got bumped up since I was the straight A brainiac, soccer, swim, and basketball star, oh and then somehow I was nominated as student president since my accent was "charming." In reality, I miss being able to slide by without anyones notice, I miss being such a tomboy.

Don't start judging now though, I didn't change here. I didn't change myself. I just spoke my mind a little quicker and everyone accepted my way of thinking as if it was their own. I didn't like it one bit.

I slip off my sandals, happy to only have 3 days of school left. Next off goes my lacey shirt, tank, jewelry and such. A sports bra is pulled over my head in replacement and an old lacrosse jersey from when I'd tried the sport. I didn't like the whole stick concept-I'm more of a hands on type of gal.

The thunk of the shop door opening and the chatter of teenagers startles me. I rip off my jean shorts and throw on some old soccer ones that cut a little above mid thigh. Pushing the door open, I struggle to pull on my black Vans before rushing behind the counter. 

A messy haired blonde boy waits for me there, I've never seen him before, which is suprising considering we rarely get visitors in town. Waittt no he looks familar, it's on the tip of my tongue.

He sets his arms down on the counter, the cheery smile never leaving his face as he starts. "So I was wondering if you had any paint?" His accent triggers something in my brain but fails to carry out the thought because my face begins drooping immediatly at his words. Good god couldn't these kids ever learn we aren't allowed to sell spray paint to them if they're under 18. I mean, he looks it but I'm still weary.

"Yeahhh." I drag it out, leading him to the small paint section. 

See, I work in a very tiny, family owned construction/house rennovation/tacky supply stuff store and I got the honor of being in that little family who owned this joyful place. Just my dad and me though. My mom left us when I was 7.

Back to the point though.

He rubs the back of his head with his hand and I wonder if I should stay to assist or head back to the counter. Before I can decide though, a chorus of bickering voices rises from another aisle, I'm about to go see what's causing all the racket but blondey beats me too it, rushing around the corner at a speed my dad would deem "unsafe and violating store regulations." Pshh store regulations my butt he just likes giving people a hard time. But I can't blame him, sometimes it's quite funny.

I follow after him though and am greeted with the sight of 4 brownish haired boys foolling around with our one of a kind bear statue, My brow furrows and I'm about to begin the classic, anual "Bears are sacred, we payed good money, there's a story behind that, you break it you buy it" talk I get to give all the little kids who think it's funny to stick their gum in the fur or something. 

Well, let me tell you, it sure as hell isn't fun dusting the damn thing let alone grooming it for gum.

Blondey runs to their side, muttering fowl words in his Irish accent and that's when it hits me. Litterally and figuratively.

The smelly old beast tumbles down on me and I stutter back.. It looks too real like this, it's paws raised like normal but threatening to surround me and trap me on the ground. My mind begins going a mile a second, imagining scenarios where the brown haired monster ends up gobbling me whole.

I'm relieved from the nightmarish illusions as my head thumps against the counter behind me and everything's black immediatly. Or maybe it's purple. Noooo a blue.  Oooh look orange streaks!! Well that can't be good...

My mind fades more and more into unconciousness, shutting me up entirely within a minute.


"Noooo! I saw her first!" The whisper argument begins to puncture the thick blanket of sleep enveloping me. 

"But I called dibs!"

"No you didn't!"

Yess I did!"

"When!?! Right after you tipped the bear onto her?!"

"Guys.." One of them shooshs, "I think she's coming around." 

I sleep scowl and roll over onto my stomach.

Screw them, I think. No one get's to call dibs on Natalie Jorgenson but Natalie Jorgenson. I let out a little giggle as I realise my minds making no sense. I'm greeted with silence for a response. 

Well then, nowww they shut up.

Hope you liked it!!!! 

Xx Olivia

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