Chapter 1

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Ahh, the start of the new year. I slammed the door shut, walking through the driveway to school in the uniform that I had dug out of the closet the day before.

I loved our front yard. A garden twisted around the front and extended to the north side, by my bedroom balcony. Flowers grew up the side of the house. I would often come home and find Mom working in the front yard, wearing garden gloves, especially in summer.

Now the flowers were starting to finish their summer reign, as it was the beginning of September. I kicked a gray rock on my way to the sidewalk.

Kyo, Tohru, and Yuki had planned it out so that as I was walking out of my house, they were walking past mine. Well, usually Kyo came first, and Tohru and Yuki could be seen after. Today was no different.

"Good morning, carrot top!" I said, falling in step with him. He smiled at me.

"Hey." He said, in an exhausted smile. He was wearing his black uniform. The tie was tied in a horribly messy way.

"Kyo, your tie is all messed up." I pointed out. He looked down.

"Oh, I don't care." He said, obviously very tired. He stayed up until midnight texting me. We were both so excited that school was starting again, we couldn't sleep. The thing is, I never get more than seven hours on a weekday. Kyo is fussy if he doesn't get nine hours. I think it's really cute.

"Well, at least let me fix it." I stopped and redid the tie in a better fashion. He closed his eyes, trying to sleep standing up.

"Okay. That's better. Now it's not bugging me." I said, and resumed the walk. He nodded back awake and continued walking. I smiled as I took a travel mug of coffee out of the side pocket of my backpack.

"Here. It's painful to watch you falling asleep every two seconds." He took the drink. I was planning to drink it when I got to school, but he seems like he needs it more.

"Coffee?" He said, yawning.

"M-hmm." I nodded my head as he tried a sip. His eyes dilated.

"I like it." He said, as we took the way through the park.

"Me too. You can have it. I don't need it as much as you do."

He drained half the cup before we got to school.

"I can't believe you've never had coffee before." I said, as he handed the cup to me. We went to his locker first, as it was closer to the entrance of the school. Students were meeting up again for the first time and they were talking right in the middle of the hall. We swerved to avoid them. We stopped at his locker as he struggled to remember the combination.

When he got it open, he stuffed his backpack inside, not bothering to get anything out. He was awake now due to caffeine, but that didn't mean he wasn't grumpy. I checked the time on the clock in the hall. We got here a half hour early, like always. I liked being early.

I found my locker and twirled the combo in. I found most of my stuff exactly as I left it.

"Hey, is that one of my hoodies?" He said, pointing to the navy blue solid color hoodie hanging on a hook.

"Not anymore. It's mine now." I grinned.

"I was wondering where that went. When did you take it?" He said taking it of its hook.

"You gave it to me and forgot to take it back, just like always." I pulled the hoodie away and quickly sniffed it without him noticing, and put it back on its hook. It still smells like him, even after a summer in my locker. He didn't bother to try taking it back. It was mine now. Mwahahaha! But really, it is.

"Okay, I'm done now. Let's go to the roof." I said, spinning on my black flats to head to the staircase that led to the roof. He followed me.

On the way, I met up with Tohru. "Ah, you guys are going to the roof? Hehe, you guys are so CUTE!" She said to me. She thought we were the cutest thing ever to happen since the internet's first cat video.

I smiled. Yuki was close by, at his locker. He was wearing a long black coat. Suddenly he was surrounded by underclass girls wearing cheerleaders uniforms. They were on him like piranhas on a baby goldfish.

I pointed in his direction. "Umm, you might need to give Yuki a hand over there. He seems like he needs help." She agreed and waved bye. I did too.

When we were finally on the roof, Kyo settled down into his usual spot. We did this every morning. It was one of the only 'alone times' we had during the school year.

Well, that's not true. Kyo and I were basically inseparable. We ate lunch together, went on dates every week, and when we weren't together, we were texting. It was starting to get ridiculous. But I never got tired of Kyo, and he never got tired of me. We were probably the best couple in the school.

We didn't really talk up here, usually we just sat together, enjoying one another's company. Because we knew we were never meant to be apart.

Kyo. Out of the seven billion people on Earth, living in all the different countries. My soulmate was Kyo. Kyo. I found my soulmate. And he was here, waiting for me. And they say that the cat is supposed to hate and be hated. I think Kyo is one of the kindest, most gentle people I have ever met. He's one of those people who actually listen when you talk to them. A lot of people talk, but you can hardly ever find one that listens.

Tohru calls it a plum on the back. Since you can't see it yourself, you don't notice it. But all the people around you can see. I can see Kyo's plum. Yep. It's definitely there.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arm around him.

Suddenly, a subtle beep emitted from my watch. I looked, and it was time to get to first period. My schedule says it's Biology.

"See you, Kyo." I said getting up. He got up too.

"Meet me here after school, I have something I want to give to you." He said, giving me a kiss. His lips were soft against mine.

"Oh, I'm excited! What could it possibly be?" I said, heading down the stairs. He watched me go, with a twinkle in his eye.

Hello again reader-chan! I'd like to say, please don't expect me to update daily. Please be patient with me so I can give you the best story I can.

Every time someone votes or comments on my story, I smile. Criticism is completely welcome. Don't forget, the more votes, the more motivated I am to post! See you soon reader-chan! (≧∇≦)

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