▪︎■ 11 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Ainara Moreno ■▪︎

When the meeting finally ended, I went into the bathroom to wash my hands, dirty from a few bloodstains. The water was cold against my skin and I watched myself inside the big mirror when the door opened and Mr. Bianchi entered. As soon as he saw me, his gaze switched.

"What the fuck was that?" He sounded angry.

"This is the woman's restroom, Mr. Bianchi," I remarked.

"I'm not in the mood for your smart mouth."

"Excuse you? If you're pissed about the hole in the wall, I'll pay for-" He interrupted me.

"I don't give a fuck about the wall! You-..."

Did he just stutter? Yeah, he did. Not sure if out of rage or loss of words, but who cares...

"You don't fucking talk to my men like you have a saying!"

I dried my hands with the towel and watched him through the mirror. Now I was getting pissed, too. I turned around to meet him face to face.

"These two should say their sexist shit to my face like 'real men'! I don't take such disrespect, Mr. Bianchi. If you can't control your members then they are next to lay on your carpet, it's as simple as that! They can fucking clean the floor, it's not hard!" I threw the towel next to the sink, not once breaking our angry starecontest.

He took a step forward, now looking down at me a few inches away. But I didn't take a single step back.

"Is that a fucking thread, Ms. Moreno? Because if so then I wish you much fun with getting killed by Jiménez, which, thanks to you, is still walking around, living his best life with the russians!"

Fuck, that really hit home. It was true. He was still living because of me. If only he knew how true it really was...

He continued: "Just because you can't fucking let the people who would lead to him live for at least ten goddamn minutes! Your carelessness is pissing me off! Until the day you learn how to control yourself, I will have to be there to fix the growing mess you make!"
His voice reached another point of aggravation.

Right now, I would give all my money for other circumstances, to throw the truth at him, to make him understand why I couldn't think clearly. But I didn't. One, he didn't deserve it, two, he would kill me if he knew.

"It's a member of my men. It's not up to you to decide what I do to my traitors! It's not about you!"

I made a step towards him, gesturing with my finger, pointing to his chest. The man's jaw clenched while his eyebrows furrowed.

"It damn well is! I have a score to settle with him, a promise to hold. What it's not about, is your little business problem! So don't talk about shit you don't understand!"

His arrogant attitude made my blood boil.

"Fuck you," I spat out, not being able to say anything else that could explain, raising my chin even more. 

Within a few seconds I was pressed against the wall by his muscular body. I hated my body for the reaction but I automatically slided a few inches down the wall, while my face stilled in the same position I was in before. His hand stayed next to my head and supported his weight while my breathing suddenly hitched. I looked up at his eyes through my lashes.

A part of my anger slightly faded and I both, loved and hated this. What I was absolutely sure about was that I hated the power this gave him, so I desperately held onto the fury. I slightly parted my lips and he immediately looked down to them before returning to my eyes.

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