What's A Little Bit Of Hunger, I Can Go A Little While Longer

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"Right. Felix, thank you for telling us, we're sorry that it had to come to this for us to know, and that it took us this long to ask if you weren't okay, but I'm glad that we can help you now. Does anyone else want to say something either about themselves or about someone else?" A few looked uncomfortable for a moment at Chan's words, but Seungmin eventually put his hand up, Chan inclined his head, asking him to speak.

"I'm worried about Jeongin." Said boy froze, smiling sheepishly as everyone turned to look at him.

"I am too." Hyunjin said a moment later. Seungmin turned to look at him, the two having a silent conversation with their eyes, coming to the conclusion that they were worried about the same thing.

"Would one of you like to explain?" Chan sat down again, gesturing for them to stand up to speak. Both did so, looking at each other to see what they were going to say before Hyunjin started speaking.

"We think he has some form of eating disorder." Jeongin began to protest, but was forced into silence by Hans hand over his mouth and a raised eyebrow from Chan.

"Go on."

"We know that he does eat with us if we all have food together, but I've never seen him eat when it's just him. Have any of you?" No one moved, trying to recall of they had seen Jeongin eating alone. No one managed to come up with a single instance.

"He showers first usually. If it's just after eating and I walk past the bathroom I hear something that sounds kinda like someone throwing up. I usually shower second aswell, and sometimes the bathroom smells really weird if Jeongin was in there before me." Seungmin spoke for the first time since he first mentioned Jeongin. Looking apologetically at the younger before looking a Chan with a determined look.

"Jeongin," Chan spoke sternly, Jeongin freezing even more, "is there anything you want to say about this before you get questions?"

Jeongin said nothing, but his actions spoke louder than words ever could as he curled up into a ball, grabbing a pillow and pushing his face into it to avoid seeing the others. Chan sighed and moved over to hold him, a worried look on his face.

"Innie, I need you to be honest with me okay? We aren't mad, we just want to help you. Were you sick after breakfast this morning." Jeongin simply groaned into his pillow, before lifting his head and muttering out a soft "yes".

"Before that when was the last time you ate?"

"Few days ago. With Jisung Hyung." Jisungs eyes widened as he looked even more worried.

"Jeongin that was last week." At that Jeongin curled in on himself more, hiding himself. "Why aren't you eating, Innie?"

"Too much."

"What's too much, Innie?"

"Weigh too much. Need to lose weight or I'll slow you all down." Jeongin spoke into his pillow, silent tears running down his face. Everyone looked at him in shock, tears gathering in a few eyes as they heard Jeongin explain. "I slow you all down already, I can't sing well, I can barely dance, the most I can do is hope that I don't look horrible aswell. You all have amazing bodies and then there's me, next to you all I look disgusting."

"No you don't Jeongin. You don't look disgusting, you don't slow us down, you can sing and dance incredibly. What's made you think like this?" Chan asked as he pulled the younger boy closer to him, letting him cry.

"Comments. STAY hates me."

"STAY does not hate you, Innie. Come here and look at this." Felix called out, the younger with Chan's directions going to sit beside him.

Felix pulled his phone out, going into the comment section from their most recent video, showing them to Jeongin.

"Look. NeverStayDie commented 'i hope innies okay he doesn't look very well'. JeonginsVocalCords - 'why does innies smile look fake???? He looks really skinny aswell, is he eating properly???'. Minsunger - 'innie is so cute and his voice is incredible love you jeongie'. STAY doesn't hate you Jeongin, they're worried about you too, they've noticed aswell, I'm just sorry that we haven't before." Jeongin started crying as he continued reading the comments, Felix pulling him into a hug as the younger boy sobbed, the others moving closer to hug him aswell.

"What would slow us down more, is if you get sick, or you pass out in practice because you haven't eaten enough. You don't slow us down, baby." Jeongin just cried harder if that was possible, drenching Felix's already tear soaked shirt even more as he tried to calm down.

"You don't need to starve yourself, Innie. Please, come and find one of us when it's time for a meal and eat with us, I don't want to force you to do anything, but we need to you to eat. Your body is beautiful no matter what it looks like, it's your mind, and your personality that matters, but your killing the only part that we can see, that we can hold. Please, eat." Felix was crying aswell now, talking into Jeongins hair just above his ear, trying to get the younger to listen.

"O-okay. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

"Don't be sorry, baby. We just want you to be okay." Seungmin picked Jeongin off of Felix walking back to his seat and cuddling the younger boy, muttering apologies about how they didn't do anything sooner.

"Jeongin, you know that we all love you, we all want you to be okay, we will all help you to eat more, and be healthy. But I do have a question, have you by any chance been hiding a pair of scales in the dorm?" Jeongin was smiling slightly until his face paled when he heard Chan's question, nodding and pressing his lips together.


"Under my bed." Changbin took that as his cue to get up and go to the bedroom. Finding the scales he came back in a moment later, the scales tucked under his arm as he went to the kitchen and chucked it into the recycling bin, before rejoining them all.

"I'm proud of you Innie." Chan whispered into his hair as he pulled the younger boy in for a hug, "We'll help you."

"I trust you Hyung. Thank you."

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